
in_before, in_between & succ_in
Require Import Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Export Util ListExtra PreSuffix DecTac.

Local Definition prefix_nincl' {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) l
  := rev (postfix_nincl a (rev l)).

Section aux.

  Context {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq}.

  Lemma postfix_nincl_rcons_a (a : A) (l : list A)
    : postfix_nincl a (l :r: a) = postfix_nincl a l.
    induction l; cbn; eauto.
    - decide' (a == a);[eauto|congruence].
    - decide' (a == a0);eauto.
      rewrite <-IHl. reflexivity.

  Hint Resolve postfix_nincl_rcons_a.

  Lemma postfix_nincl_app_in (a : A) (l l' : list A)
        (Hin : a l)
    : postfix_nincl a (l ++ l') = postfix_nincl a l.
    induction l; cbn; eauto.
    - contradiction.
    - destruct Hin; subst.
      + decide' (a == a); eauto. congruence.
      + decide' (a == a0);eauto.
        rewrite IHl;eauto.

  Hint Resolve postfix_nincl_app_in.

  Lemma post_pre_nincl_NoDup (l : list A) (a : A)
        (Hnd : NoDup l)
        (Hin : a l)
    : l = postfix_nincl a l ++ a :: prefix_nincl' a l.
    induction l; cbn in *;[contradiction|].
    destruct Hin;subst.
    - decide' (a == a); [|congruence]. cbn.
      rewrite postfix_nincl_rcons_a.
      rewrite postfix_nincl_invariant; eauto using rev_involutive.
      rewrite <-in_rev. inversion Hnd; eauto.
    - decide' (a == a0);[inversion Hnd;subst;contradiction|cbn].
      f_equal. rewrite postfix_nincl_app_in. eapply IHl; inversion Hnd; eauto.
      rewrite <-in_rev; eauto.

  Lemma postfix_nincl_rev_prefix_nincl' (a : A) l
    : rev (postfix_nincl a l) = prefix_nincl' a (rev l).
    unfold prefix_nincl'. rewrite rev_involutive. reflexivity.

  Lemma NoDup_rcons (l : list A) a
        (Hnd : NoDup l)
        (Hnin : a l)
    : NoDup (l :r: a).
    induction l; cbn; eauto.
    - econstructor;eauto.
    - econstructor.
      + contradict Hnin.
        eapply In_rcons in Hnin. destruct Hnin;[left;eauto|inversion Hnd;contradiction].
      + eapply IHl; inversion Hnd;subst; eauto.

  Lemma NoDup_rev (l : list A)
    : NoDup l -> NoDup (rev l).
    intros Hnd; induction Hnd; cbn;eauto.
    eapply NoDup_rcons;eauto. rewrite <-in_rev;eauto.

End aux.

Inductive splinter {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| sl_nil : splinter nil nil
| sl_copy l l' a : splinter l (a :: l') -> splinter (a :: l) (a :: l')
| sl_skip l l' a : splinter l l' -> splinter l (a :: l').

Inductive splinter_strict {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| sls_nil : splinter_strict nil nil
| sls_sim l l' a : splinter_strict l l' -> splinter_strict (a :: l) (a :: l')
| sls_skip l l' a : splinter_strict l l' -> splinter_strict l (a :: l').

(*Notation "l1 ⊴ l2" := (splinter l1 l2) (at level 70).*)

(* Read: a succeeds b in l modulo reflexivity and transitivity *)
Notation "a ≻* b | l" := (splinter (a :: b :: nil) l) (at level 70, b at next level).
Notation "a ≻* b ≻* c | l" := (splinter (a :: b :: c :: nil) l) (at level 70,
                                                                 b at next level,
                                                                c at next level).
Notation "a ≻* b ≻* c ≻* d | l" := (splinter (a :: b :: c :: d :: nil) l) (at level 70,
                                                                           b at next level,
                                                                           c at next level,
                                                                           d at next level).
Notation "a ≻* b ≻* c ≻* d ≻* e | l" := (splinter (a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: nil) l) (at level 70,
                                                                                     b at next level,
                                                                                     c at next level,
                                                                                     d at next level).

Definition succ_in {A : Type} l (a b : A)
  := exists l1 l2, l = l2 ++ a :: b :: l1.

Notation "a ≻ b | l" := (succ_in l a b) (at level 70).

Module SplinterAux.

  Section splinter_aux.

    Context {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq}.

    Lemma splinter_double (l1 l2 l' : list A) a
          (Hsp : splinter (l1 ++ a :: l2) l')
      : splinter (l1 ++ a :: a :: l2) l'.
      dependent induction Hsp;cbn in *.
      - congruence'.
      - destruct l1; inversion x; subst; cbn in *.
        + do 2 econstructor;eauto.
        + econstructor. eapply IHHsp; eauto.
      - econstructor. eapply IHHsp; eauto.

    Hint Resolve splinter_double.

    Lemma splinter_remove (l1 l2 l' : list A) a
          (Hsp : splinter (l1 ++ a :: l2) l')
      : splinter (l1 ++ l2) l'.
      dependent induction Hsp; cbn in *; subst.
      - congruence'.
      - destruct l1; inversion x; subst; cbn in *; eauto.
        econstructor. eapply IHHsp; eauto.
      - econstructor. eapply IHHsp;eauto.

    Hint Resolve splinter_remove.

    Lemma splinter_remove_dup (l1 l2 l' : list A) a
          (Hsp : splinter l' (l1 ++ a :: a :: l2))
      : splinter l' (l1 ++ a :: l2).
      dependent induction Hsp; cbn in *; subst.
      - congruence'.
      - destruct l1; cbn in *.
        + inversion x; subst. econstructor. specialize (IHHsp H nil). cbn in IHHsp.
          eapply IHHsp. reflexivity.
        + inversion x; subst. econstructor. rewrite app_comm_cons. eapply IHHsp;eauto.
      - destruct l1; cbn in *.
        + inversion x; subst; eauto.
        + econstructor. eapply IHHsp; eauto. inversion x; subst; eauto.

    Hint Resolve splinter_remove_dup.

    Lemma splinter_rcons_right (a : A) l l'
          (Hsp : splinter l l')
      : splinter l (l' :r: a).
      induction Hsp; cbn in *; econstructor;eauto.

    Hint Resolve splinter_rcons_right.

    Hint Constructors splinter.

    Lemma splinter_rcons_left (a : A) l l'
          (Hsp : splinter l (l' :r: a))
      : splinter (l :r: a) (l' :r: a).
      dependent induction Hsp; cbn in *.
      - congruence'.
      - rewrite <-x. econstructor. rewrite x. eauto.
      - rewrite <-x. destruct l'; cbn in *.
        + inversion x; subst. inversion Hsp; subst; cbn; eauto.
        + econstructor. inversion x; subst. eapply IHHsp; eauto.

  End splinter_aux.

End SplinterAux.

Import SplinterAux.

Hint Resolve
     splinter_rcons_right : splinter.
Section splinterStrict.
  Variable (A : Type).

    Lemma splinter_strict_rcons_right (a : A) l l'
          (Hsp : splinter_strict l l')
      : splinter_strict l (l' :r: a).
      induction Hsp; cbn in *; econstructor;eauto.

    Lemma splinter_strict_rcons (a : A) l l'
          (Hsp : splinter_strict l l')
      : splinter_strict (l :r: a) (l' :r: a).
      dependent induction Hsp; cbn in *.
      - econstructor. econstructor.
      - econstructor. fold (l :r: a). fold (l' :r: a). auto.
      - econstructor. fold (l' :r: a). auto.

    Hint Resolve splinter_strict_rcons splinter_strict_rcons_right.

  Lemma splinter_strict_rev (l l' : list A)
    : splinter_strict l l' <-> splinter_strict (rev l) (rev l').
    revert l l'.
    enough (forall (l l' : list A), splinter_strict l l' -> splinter_strict (rev l) (rev l')).
      split;eauto. intros Hrev. rewrite <-rev_involutive. rewrite <- rev_involutive at 1.
      eapply H; eauto.
    intros ? ? Hsp.
    induction Hsp; cbn in *; eauto;econstructor.

  Lemma splinter_strict_incl (l l' : list A)
    : splinter_strict l l' -> l l'.
    induction H;eauto.

  Lemma splinter_strict_refl (l : list A)
    : splinter_strict l l.
    induction l;econstructor;auto.

  Lemma splinter_strict_prefix (l1 l2 : list A)
        (Hpre : Prefix l1 l2)
    : splinter_strict l1 l2.
    induction Hpre;[eauto using splinter_strict_refl|econstructor;auto].

  Lemma splinter_strict_nil (l : list A)
    : splinter_strict [] l.
    induction l;econstructor;eauto.

  Hint Resolve splinter_strict_nil splinter_strict_prefix splinter_strict_refl.

  Global Instance splinter_strict_trans
    : Transitive (@splinter_strict A).
    unfold Transitive. intros.
    revert dependent z.
    induction H;intros;eauto with splinter.
    - dependent induction H0;subst.
      + econstructor. eapply IHsplinter_strict;eauto.
      + econstructor. eapply IHsplinter_strict0;eauto.
    - dependent induction H0.
      + econstructor;eauto.
      + econstructor;eauto.

End splinterStrict.

Hint Resolve splinter_strict_nil splinter_strict_prefix splinter_strict_refl : splinter.

Section splinter.
  Context {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq}.

  Lemma splinter_prefix (l l1 l2 : list A)
        (Hin : splinter l l1)
        (Hpre : Prefix l1 l2)
    : splinter l l2.
    induction Hpre; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma splinter_nil (l : list A)
    : splinter nil l.
    induction l; econstructor;eauto.

  Hint Constructors splinter.

  Lemma splinter_refl (l : list A)
    : splinter l l.
    induction l; eauto with splinter.

  Lemma splinter_app (l1 l2 l1' l2' : list A)
        (Hleft : splinter l1' l1)
        (Hright : splinter l2' l2)
    : splinter (l1' ++ l2') (l1 ++ l2).
    induction Hleft; cbn in *;eauto.

  Lemma splinter_in (a : A) l l'
        (Hsp : splinter (a :: l) l')
    : a l'.
    clear H equiv0.
    dependent induction Hsp;[firstorder|].
    (*do 2 exploit' IHHsp. *)
    specialize (IHHsp a l x).

  Lemma splinter_cons (a : A) l l'
        (Hsp : splinter (a :: l) l')
    : splinter l l'.
    clear H equiv0.
    dependent induction Hsp.
    - subst. eauto.
    - specialize (IHHsp a l x). econstructor;eauto.

  Lemma splinter_incl (l l' : list A)
        (Hsp : splinter l l')
    : l l'.
    induction l; cbn; [firstorder|].
    unfold incl. intros a0 Ha0. destruct Ha0;subst.
    - eapply splinter_in; eauto.
    - eapply IHl;eauto. eapply splinter_cons. eauto.

  Hint Resolve splinter_nil splinter_in splinter_incl : splinter.

  Lemma splinter_single (a : A) l
    : splinter (a :: nil) l <-> a l.
    split; intro Hsp; [eapply splinter_in;eauto|].
    induction l;[contradiction|].
    destruct Hsp;subst; repeat (econstructor;eauto with splinter).

  Lemma splinter_lr l l' (a : A)
        (Hsp : splinter l l')
    : splinter (a :: l) (a :: l').

  Lemma splinter_trans (l1 l2 l3 : list A)
        (H12 : splinter l1 l2)
        (H23 : splinter l2 l3)
    : splinter l1 l3.
    revert dependent l1;induction H23;intros;eauto.
    - dependent induction H12; do 2 exploit' IHsplinter0; intros.
      + econstructor. eapply IHsplinter0;eauto.
      + eapply IHsplinter; eauto.

  Hint Constructors splinter.

  Lemma splinter_rev (l l' : list A)
    : splinter l l' <-> splinter (rev l) (rev l').
    revert l l'.
    enough (forall (l l' : list A), splinter l l' -> splinter (rev l) (rev l')).
      split;eauto. intros Hrev. rewrite <-rev_involutive. rewrite <- rev_involutive at 1.
      eapply H0; eauto.
    intros ? ? Hsp.
    induction Hsp; cbn in *; eauto with splinter.

  Lemma splinter_app_l (a : A) l0 l l'
        (Hnd : NoDup l0)
        (Hleft : splinter (l :r: a) l0)
        (Hright : splinter (a :: l') l0)
    : splinter (l ++ a :: l') l0.
    rewrite (@post_pre_nincl_NoDup _ _ _ l0 a);eauto; [|eapply splinter_incl;eauto;firstorder].
    eapply splinter_remove_dup. setoid_rewrite app_cons_assoc at 2.
    assert (forall (l' l0 : list A),
               NoDup l0
               -> splinter (a :: l') l0
               -> splinter l' (a :: prefix_nincl' a l0)).
      clear. intros ? ? Hnd Hsp.
      assert (a l0) as Hin by (eauto with splinter).
      rewrite (post_pre_nincl_NoDup (l:=l0) (a:=a)) in Hsp;eauto.
      set (l1 := postfix_nincl a l0) in *.
      assert (a l1) by eapply postfix_nincl_nincl.
      induction l1;cbn in *.
      + eapply splinter_cons;eauto.
      + assert (a0 <> a /\ a l1) as [Hneq Hnin] by firstorder. clear H0.
        eapply IHl1;eauto.
        inversion Hsp;subst;eauto.
    eapply splinter_app;[clear Hright|clear Hleft; econstructor; eauto].
    - eapply splinter_rev in Hleft. rewrite rev_rcons in Hleft.
      eapply splinter_rev. rewrite rev_rcons.
      erewrite postfix_nincl_rev_prefix_nincl'. eapply H0; eauto.
      eauto using NoDup_rev.

  Ltac anthithesis H :=
    lazymatch type of H with
    | Postfix (_ :: _) nil => exfalso; eapply postfix_nil_nil in H; congruence

  Lemma splinter_postfix (l l' l'' : list A)
        (Hpost : Postfix l l')
        (Hsp : splinter l'' l)
    : splinter l'' l'.
  Proof with (eauto with splinter).
    induction Hpost...

  Lemma splinter_app_drop (l l1 l2 : list A) a
        (Hsp : splinter (a :: l) (l1 ++ l2))
        (Hnin : a l1)
    : splinter (a :: l) l2.
    induction l1.
    - cbn in Hsp. eassumption.
    - inv Hsp.
      + cbn in Hnin. firstorder.
      + eapply IHl1;eauto.

End splinter.

Hint Constructors splinter : splinter.
Hint Resolve splinter_nil splinter_in splinter_incl : splinter.

Lemma splinter_strict_single (A : Type) (l : list A) (a : A)
  : splinter_strict [a] l <-> a l.
  - dependent induction H;cbn;auto.
  - dependent induction l;cbn in *;[contradiction|].
    destruct H;[subst;econstructor;eauto with splinter|econstructor;eauto].
Lemma splinter_neq_strict (A : Type) (l : list A) (a b : A)
      (Hsp : splinter [a;b] l)
      (Hneqq : a <> b)
  : splinter_strict [a;b] l.
  clear - Hsp Hneqq.
  dependent induction Hsp;subst;eauto with splinter.
  - econstructor. inversion Hsp; subst;[contradiction|]. eapply splinter_in in H1.
    eapply splinter_strict_single;auto.
  - econstructor. eapply IHHsp;eauto.

Ltac splice_splinter :=
  match goal with
  | [H : splinter ?l1 ?l,
     Q : splinter ?l2 ?l |- _ ]
    => lazymatch l2 with
      | ?a :: _
        => lazymatch l1 with
          | context C [a :: nil]
            => fold_rcons H; eapply (splinter_app_l (a:=a) (l0:=l)) in H;[|eauto|eapply Q];
              clear Q; cbn in H

Section succ_rt.
  Context {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq}.

  Lemma succ_rt_prefix (a b : A) l
        (Hsp : a ≻* b | l)
    : exists l', Prefix (a :: l') l /\ b (a :: l').
    dependent induction Hsp; do 2 exploit' IHHsp.
    - exists l'. split; [econstructor| eauto with splinter].
    - specialize (IHHsp _ _ eq_refl). destructH. eexists. split; [ econstructor|]; eauto.

  Lemma succ_rt_refl (a : A) l
        (Hin : a l)
    : a ≻* a | l.
    induction l; cbn in *;[contradiction|].
    destruct Hin. subst. econstructor. econstructor. eapply splinter_nil.
    econstructor. eauto.

  Hint Resolve succ_rt_refl : succ_rt.

  Lemma succ_rt_trans (a b c : A) l
        (Hnd : NoDup l)
        (Hsucc1 : b ≻* a | l)
        (Hsucc2 : c ≻* b | l)
    : c ≻* a | l.
    induction l; inversion Hsucc1; inversion Hsucc2; inversion Hnd; subst.
    - (* copy-copy *) eauto.
    - (* copy-skip -> contradiction *)
      exfalso. eapply H11. eapply splinter_incl;eauto.
    - (* skip-copy *)
      econstructor. eapply splinter_incl in H2.
      eapply splinter_single;eauto.
    - (* skip-skip *)

  Lemma succ_rt_combine (a b c : A) l
        (Hnd : NoDup l)
        (Hsucc1 : b ≻* a | l)
        (Hsucc2 : c ≻* b | l)
    : c ≻* b ≻* a | l.

  Lemma succ_NoDup_app (x y : A) (l l' : list A)
        (Hsucc : x ≻* y | l ++ l')
        (Hnd : NoDup (l ++ l'))
        (Hel : y l)
    : x l.
    clear - Hsucc Hnd Hel.
    revert dependent l'.
    induction l;intros;cbn in *.
    - contradiction.
    - destruct Hel.
      + inversion Hsucc;subst;[left;reflexivity|exfalso].
        eapply splinter_incl in H2. inversion Hnd;subst. apply H1. eapply H2. right;left. reflexivity.
      + inversion Hsucc;subst;[left;reflexivity|right].
        inversion Hnd;subst.
        eapply IHl;eauto.

  Ltac find_in_succ_rt := eapply splinter_incl; eauto; firstorder.

  Lemma postfix_succ_in (a b : A) l l'
        (Hpost : Postfix l l')
        (Hsucc : a b | l)
    : a b | l'.
    induction Hpost;eauto.
    eapply IHHpost in Hsucc.
    unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH. exists (l1 :r: a0), l2. rewrite Hsucc.
    rewrite <- cons_rcons_assoc. rewrite <-app_assoc.
    rewrite app_comm_cons. reflexivity.

  Lemma succ_in_cons_cons (a b : A) l
    : a b | a :: b :: l.
    exists l, nil. cbn. reflexivity.

  Lemma succ_cons (a b c : A) l
        (Hsucc : b c | l)
    : b c | a :: l.
    revert a;destruct l;intros a0.
    - unfold succ_in in *;cbn in *;eauto. destructH. destruct l2;cbn in *;congruence.
    - unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH. unfold succ_in. exists l1, (a0 :: l2). cbn.
      rewrite Hsucc. reflexivity.

  Lemma in_succ_in2 (a b c : A) l
        (Hsucc : a b | c :: l)
    : b l.
    unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH.
    destruct l2;cbn in *; inversion Hsucc;subst; [|eapply in_or_app]; firstorder.

  Lemma in_succ_in1 (a b : A) l
        (Hsucc : a b | l)
    : a l.
    unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH.
    destruct l.
    - congruence'.
    - symmetry in Hsucc. eapply eq_incl in Hsucc. eapply Hsucc.
      clear Hsucc. induction l2;cbn;firstorder.

  Lemma succ_in_prefix_nd (l l' : list A) (a b c : A)
        (Hpre : Prefix (c :: l) l')
        (Hel : a l)
        (Hsucc : b a | l')
        (Hnd : NoDup l')
    : b a | c :: l.

  Lemma succ_in_succ_rt (x y : A) l
        (Hsucc : x y | l)
    : x ≻* y | l.
    destruct Hsucc as [l1 [l2 Hsucc]]. subst l.
    induction l2;cbn.
    - eapply splinter_lr. econstructor. eapply splinter_nil.
    - econstructor. eapply IHl2.

  Lemma prefix_succ_in (a b : A) l l'
        (Hpre : Prefix l l')
        (Hsucc : a b | l)
    : a b | l'.
    induction Hpre;eauto.
    eapply IHHpre in Hsucc.
    unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH. exists l1, (a0 :: l2). rewrite Hsucc. cbn; reflexivity.

End succ_rt.