
Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Export Coq.Classes.EquivDec.

Lemma beq_true {A : Type} `{EqDec A} (a c : A) :
  (a ==b c) = true (a c).
  unfold equiv_decb; destruct (a == c); firstorder auto with *.

Lemma beq_false {A : Type} `{EqDec A} (a b : A) :
  (a ==b b) = false (a b).
  unfold equiv_decb; destruct (a == b); firstorder auto with *.

Lemma bne_true {A : Type} `{EqDec A} (a c : A) :
  (a b c) = true (a c).
  unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb. rewrite negb_true_iff. destruct (a == c); firstorder auto with *.

Lemma bne_false {A : Type} `{EqDec A} (a b : A) :
  (a b b) = false (a b).
  unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb. rewrite negb_false_iff. destruct (a == b); firstorder auto with *.

Definition to_bool {P Q : Prop} (x : {P} + {Q}) := if x then true else false.

Lemma to_bool_true (P : Prop) (x : {P} + { P}) : to_bool x = true P.
  destruct x; cbn; firstorder auto with *.

Lemma to_bool_false (P : Prop) (x : {P} + {P}) : to_bool x = false P.
  destruct x; cbn; firstorder auto with *.

Ltac conv_bool := repeat match goal with
                         | [ H: context[_ ==b _ = true] |- _ ] rewrite beq_true in H
                         | [ H: context[_ ==b _ = false] |- _ ] rewrite beq_false in H
                         | [ H: context[_ b _ = true] |- _ ] rewrite bne_true in H
                         | [ H: context[_ b _ = false] |- _ ] rewrite bne_false in H
                         | [ H: context[_ || _ = true] |- _ ] rewrite orb_true_iff in H
                         | [ H: context[_ || _ = false] |- _ ] rewrite orb_false_iff in H
                         | [ H: context[_ && _ = true] |- _ ] rewrite andb_true_iff in H
                         | [ H: context[_ && _ = false] |- _ ] rewrite andb_false_iff in H
                         | [ H: context[to_bool _ = true] |- _ ] rewrite to_bool_true in H
                         | [ H: context[to_bool _ = false] |- _ ] rewrite to_bool_false in H
                         | [ H: context[negb (_ && _)] |- _ ] rewrite negb_andb in H
                         | [ H: context[negb (_ || _ )] |- _ ] rewrite negb_orb in H
                         | [ |- context[_ ==b _ = true]] rewrite beq_true
                         | [ |- context[_ ==b _ = false]] rewrite beq_false
                         | [ |- context[_ b _ = true]] rewrite bne_true
                         | [ |- context[_ b _ = false]] rewrite bne_false
                         | [ |- context[_ || _ = true]] rewrite orb_true_iff
                         | [ |- context[_ || _ = false]] rewrite orb_false_iff
                         | [ |- context[_ && _ = true]] rewrite andb_true_iff
                         | [ |- context[_ && _ = false]] rewrite andb_false_iff
                         | [ |- context[to_bool _ = true]] rewrite to_bool_true
                         | [ |- context[to_bool _ = false]] rewrite to_bool_false
                         | [ |- context[negb (_ && _)]] rewrite negb_andb
                         | [ |- context[negb (_ || _ )]] rewrite negb_orb