cnc & ocnc
Definition cnc_loop `{C : redCFG} h p q
:= loop_contains h p /\ ~ deq_loop q h.
Definition ocnc_loop `{C : redCFG} h p q
:= cnc_loop h p q /\ forall h', loop_contains h' p -> deq_loop h' h.
(* the ocnc loop has an exit such that q is deeper or equal to the exit *)
Lemma ocnc_loop_exit `(C : redCFG) s q s'
(Hocnc : ocnc_loop s q s')
: exists e : Lab, exited s' e /\ deq_loop q e.
Lemma ex_ocnc_loop `(C : redCFG) p q
(Hndeq : ~ deq_loop q p)
: exists h, ocnc_loop h p q .
Lemma ocnc_depth `(C : redCFG) h p q
(Hocnc : ocnc_loop h p q)
: depth h = S (depth q).