
Require Export CFGinnermost CFGgeneral.



Definition head_exits_edge `{redCFG} h h' q : Prop
  := (exited h' q /\ ~ loop_contains h' h).

Lemma head_exits_edge_spec :
  forall `{redCFG} h h' q, head_exits_edge h h' q -> exists p, exit_edge h' p q.
  intros. unfold head_exits_edge in H0. decide (exited h' q); cbn;eauto.
  decide (exited h' q /\ ~ loop_contains h' h);[|congruence]. destructH. contradiction.

Lemma head_exits_edge_spec_iff :
  forall `{redCFG} h h' q, head_exits_edge h h' q <-> (exists p, exit_edge h' p q) /\ ~ loop_contains h' h.
  intros. unfold head_exits_edge. decide (exited h' q /\ ~ loop_contains h' h).
  - split;intros;firstorder.
  - split;intros;[congruence|]. simpl_dec' n.

Lemma head_exits_path `{redCFG} h p q :
  head_exits_edge h p q -> exists π, Path a_edge__P p q π.
  intros. cbn.
  eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0.
  copy H0 Hexit.
  unfold exit_edge in H0. destructH.
  eapply loop_reachs_member in H1.
  exists (q :: π).
  eapply exit_a_edge in Hexit.

Lemma head_exits_in_path_head_incl `{redCFG} qh ql π
      (Hπ : Path (edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) root ql π)
  : exists ϕ, Path edge__P root ql ϕ /\ forall (h : Lab), loop_contains h ql -> h ϕ -> h π.
  remember ql as ql'.
  setoid_rewrite Heqql' at 2.
  assert (deq_loop ql' ql) as Hdeq by (subst;eapply deq_loop_refl).
  clear Heqql'.
  revert dependent ql.
  induction Hπ;intros;cbn;eauto.
  - eexists;split;econstructor;eauto. inversion H1;subst;auto. inversion H2.
  - unfold_edge_op' H0. destruct H0.
    + specialize (IHHπ b). exploit IHHπ;[eapply deq_loop_refl|]. destructH.
      exists (c :: ϕ). split;[econstructor;eauto|].
      intros. cbn in H2. destruct H2;eauto.
      eapply Hdeq in H1.
      decide (h = c);[left;auto|].
      eapply preds_in_same_loop in H1;eauto.
    + eapply head_exits_path in H0 as Hψ. destruct Hψ asHψ].
      specialize (IHHπ c). exploit IHHπ.
      * eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0. destructH.
        eapply deq_loop_trans;[eapply deq_loop_exiting;eauto|eapply deq_loop_exited;eauto].
      * destructH.
        eexists. split;[eauto using path_app',subgraph_path'|].
        eapply in_app_or in H2. destruct H2.
        -- left.

           eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0. destructH.
           decide (c = h);[auto|].
           eapply acyclic_parallel_exit_path in Hψ;eauto.
           ++ eapply loop_contains_trans in H1;eauto.
              eapply Hdeq in H1.
              unfold exit_edge in H0. destructH. contradiction.
           ++ destruct Hψ;cbn in *;destruct H2. 1-3: contradiction. auto.
        -- right;eauto using tl_incl. eapply IHHπ1. eapply Hdeq;auto. eapply tl_incl. auto.

Lemma head_exits_back_edge `{redCFG} ql qh h :
  ((edge__P (head_exits_edge h)) (a_edge__P (head_exits_edge h))) ql qh <-> ql qh.
  unfold back_edge.
  unfold_edge_op. split;intros.
  - destructH. destruct H1;[eauto|].
    simpl_dec' H2. destructH. contradiction.
  - destructH. split_conj;[left;auto|].
    decide (exited ql qh /\ ~ loop_contains ql h);[|cbn;auto].
    unfold exited in a.
    destructH' a.
    eapply no_exit_head;eauto.
    exists ql. unfold back_edge;conv_bool. unfold_edge_op. eauto.
    contradict n. destruct n;[contradiction|]. firstorder.

Lemma head_exits_no_self_loop `{redCFG} h p q : head_exits_edge h p q -> p <> q.
  intros. eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0.
  unfold exit_edge in H0. destructH.
  eapply loop_contains_loop_head in H1.
  eapply loop_contains_self in H1.
  intro N;subst.

Lemma head_exits_same_connected `{redCFG} h p q π
      (Hpath : Path (a_edge__P (head_exits_edge h)) p q π)
  : exists ϕ, Path a_edge__P p q ϕ.
  induction Hpath;cbn;eauto.
  - eexists. econstructor.
  - destructH. unfold_edge_op' H0. destruct H0.
    + eexists. econstructor;eauto.
    + eapply head_exits_path in H0. destructH.
      eexists; eauto using path_app'.

Lemma head_exits_same_connected' `{redCFG} h p q π
      (Hpath : Path (edge__P (head_exits_edge h)) p q π)
  : exists ϕ, Path edge__P p q ϕ.
  induction Hpath;cbn;eauto.
  - eexists. econstructor.
  - destructH. unfold_edge_op' H0. destruct H0.
    + eexists. econstructor;eauto.
    + eapply head_exits_path in H0. destructH.
      eapply subgraph_path' in H0;eauto.
      eexists; eauto using path_app'.

head exits have no influence on loop containment or exits

Lemma head_exits_loop_equivalence `{redCFG} qh h p
  : loop_contains h p <-> loop_contains' ((edge__P (head_exits_edge qh))) (a_edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) h p.
  - unfold loop_contains'. unfold loop_contains in H0.
    exists p0, π.
    + eapply head_exits_back_edge;eauto.
    + clear - H0.
      induction H0;econstructor;eauto. unfold_edge_op. left;auto.
    + auto.
  - copy H0 H0'.
    unfold loop_contains. unfold loop_contains' in H0.
    assert (Path (edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) p p0 π -> h tl (rev π)
            -> loop_contains h p0
            -> exists π0, Path edge__P p p0 π0 /\ h tl (rev π0)).
      clear. intros.
      induction H0.
      - exists ([a]). split;eauto. econstructor.
      - exploit' IHPath.
        + cbn in *. contradict H1.
          destr_r' π; subst π. 1: inversion H0.
          rewrite rev_rcons. cbn. rewrite rev_rcons in H1. cbn in *.
          eapply in_or_app. left;auto.
        + unfold_edge_op' H3. destruct H3.
          * exploit IHPath.
              eapply preds_in_same_loop;eauto.
              contradict H1. subst.
              cbn. destr_r' π;subst π. 1: inversion H0. rewrite rev_rcons. cbn. eapply in_or_app. right;firstorder.
            exists (c :: π0). split;[econstructor;eauto|].
            contradict IHPath1.
            destr_r' π0;subst π0. 1: inversion IHPath0.
            cbn. rewrite rev_rcons. cbn.
            rewrite <-cons_rcons_assoc in IHPath1.
            rewrite rev_rcons in IHPath1. cbn in *.
            eapply In_rcons in IHPath1. destruct IHPath1;auto.
            subst h. exfalso. contradict H1.
            destr_r' π;subst π. 1: inversion H0.
            cbn. rewrite rev_rcons. cbn. eapply in_or_app. right;firstorder.
          * eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H3 as Hexit. destruct Hexit as [qe Hexit].
            assert (loop_contains h b) as Hloop.
              eapply deq_loop_exiting;eauto.
              eapply deq_loop_exited;eauto.
            exploit IHPath.
            eapply head_exits_path in H3. destructH.
            exists (π1 ++ tl π0).
            -- eapply subgraph_path' in H3; [eapply path_app'|];eauto.
            -- intro N. rewrite rev_app_distr in N.
               enough (h rev π1).
                 destr_r' π0;subst π0. 1: inversion IHPath0. rename l into π0.
                 destruct π0;cbn in N;eapply H4;[eapply tl_incl;auto|].
                 cbn in *. rewrite rev_rcons in N,IHPath1.
                 cbn in *.
                 eapply in_app_or in N. destruct N;[exfalso;apply IHPath1|contradiction].
                 eapply in_or_app. left;auto.
               rewrite <-in_rev.
               clear - H3 Hexit H2 Hloop.
               decide (h = c).
                 eapply no_exit_head;eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
               inversion H3;subst.
               ++ cbn. firstorder.
               ++ cbn. simpl_dec. split;[auto|].
                  intro Hin.
                  eapply acyclic_path_stays_in_loop in Hin;auto;cycle 1.
                  ** eauto.
                  ** unfold exit_edge in Hexit. destructH. eapply loop_contains_self.
                     eapply loop_contains_loop_head;eauto.
                  ** eapply a_edge_incl in H1.
                     eapply exit_pred_loop;eauto.
                  ** eapply loop_contains_Antisymmetric in Hin. exploit Hin. subst.
                     unfold exit_edge in Hexit; destructH; contradiction.
    exists p0.
    exploit H2.
      rewrite head_exits_back_edge in H1. eapply loop_contains_ledge;eauto.
    eapply head_exits_back_edge;eauto.

Lemma head_exits_exit_edge `{redCFG} qh h p q
      (Hexit : exit_edge' (edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) (a_edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) h p q)
  : exists p', exit_edge h p' q.
  unfold exit_edge' in *. destructH.
  unfold_edge_op' Hexit3.
  destruct Hexit3.
  - exists p. unfold exit_edge. split_conj.
    1,2: rewrite head_exits_loop_equivalence;eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0.
    destructH. exists p0.
    unfold exit_edge in *. destructH.
    + eapply loop_contains_trans;eauto. eapply head_exits_loop_equivalence;eauto.
    + rewrite head_exits_loop_equivalence;eauto.

redCFG Instance for the head_exit CFG

Instance head_exits_CFG `(redCFG) qh
  : redCFG (fun x y => decision ((edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) x y)) root
           (fun x y => decision ((a_edge__P (head_exits_edge qh)) x y)).
  repeat rewrite is_true2_decision in *.
{ (* loop_head_dom *)
  unfold Dom. intros π Hpath.
  rewrite head_exits_back_edge in H0.
  eapply loop_contains_ledge in H0.
  eapply head_exits_in_path_head_incl in Hpath;eauto.
  eapply dom_loop in Hpath0 as Hpath';eauto.
{ (* a_edge_incl *)
  eapply union_subgraph.
  - exact a_edge_incl.
  - firstorder.
{ (* a_edge_acyclic *)
  unfold acyclic. intros p q π Hedge Hπ. eapply head_exits_same_connected in Hπ. destructH.
  unfold union_edge in Hedge; conv_bool. destruct Hedge as [Hedge|Hedge].
  - eapply a_edge_acyclic; eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_no_self_loop in Hedge as Hnself.
    eapply head_exits_path in Hedge. destructH. eapply path_path_acyclic;eauto.
{ (* reachability *)
  specialize a_reachability as H0. eapply subgraph_path in H0;eauto.
  unfold sub_graph,union_edge. firstorder.
{ (* single_exit *)
  repeat rewrite is_true2_decision in *.
  assert (loop_contains h p /\ loop_contains h' p) as [Hloop Hloop'].
    unfold exit_edge' in *. do 2 destructH.
    split; eapply head_exits_loop_equivalence; eauto.
  eapply loop_contains_either in Hloop;eauto.
  destruct Hloop.
  - eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H0.
    eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H1.
    do 2 destructH.
    eapply single_exit;eauto.
    unfold exit_edge in *.
    do 2 destructH.
    eapply loop_contains_trans;eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H0.
    eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H1.
    do 2 destructH.
    eapply single_exit;cycle 1; eauto.
    unfold exit_edge in *.
    do 2 destructH.
    eapply loop_contains_trans;eauto.
{ (* no_head_exit *)
  repeat rewrite is_true2_decision in *.
  intro N. destructH.
  eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H0. destructH.
  eapply no_exit_head;eauto.
  unfold loop_head.
  exists p0.
  eapply head_exits_back_edge;eauto.
{ (* exit_pred_loop *)
  repeat rewrite is_true2_decision in *.
  eapply head_exits_exit_edge in H0. destructH.
  unfold_edge_op' H1.
  destruct H1.
  - copy H1 Hedge. eapply exit_edge_pred_exiting in H1;eauto.
    apply (exit_pred_loop (q:=q)) in H1;eauto.
    rewrite <-head_exits_loop_equivalence;eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H1.
    copy H0 Hexit.
    unfold exit_edge in H0.
    eapply exit_edge_pred_exiting in H1;eauto.
    eapply single_exit in Hexit;eauto. subst.
    rewrite <-head_exits_loop_equivalence.
    eauto using loop_contains_self, loop_contains_loop_head.
  intro Heq.
  eapply no_self_loops;eauto. subst. unfold_edge_op' H0.
  unfold toBool in *.
  decide (edge__P p p \/ head_exits_edge qh p p). 2:congruence.
  destruct o;[auto|].
  eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H1. destructH.
  unfold exit_edge in H1. destructH.
  exfalso. contradict H1. eauto using loop_contains_loop_head,loop_contains_self.
  intro N. eapply root_no_pred.
  unfold toBool in N.
  decide ((edge__P head_exits_edge qh) p root);[clear N;rename u into N|congruence].
  unfold_edge_op' N. destruct N.
  - eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H0. destructH. unfold exit_edge in H0.
    eapply root_no_pred;eauto.

The head exit property

(* We need LOCAL head exits and also a local headexits property, bc
 * otherwise every loop head becomes a loop_split of itself and any exit in the imploded graph *)

Definition head_exits_property `(C : redCFG) qh := forall h p q, exit_edge h p q -> ~ loop_contains h qh
                                                            -> edge__P h q.

Local Arguments exit_edge {_ _ _ _} (_).
Local Arguments edge__P {_ _ _ _} (_).
Local Arguments a_edge__P {_ _ _ _} (_).
Local Arguments loop_contains {_ _ _ _} _.

Lemma head_exits_property_satisfied `(C : redCFG) qh : head_exits_property (head_exits_CFG C qh) qh.
  unfold head_exits_property.
  intros h p q Hexit Hloop.
  eapply decision_prop_iff.
  unfold exit_edge in Hexit.
  fold (edge__P (head_exits_CFG C qh)) in Hexit.
  do 2 rewrite <-loop_contains'_basic in Hexit. fold_lp_cont'.
  unfold edge__P,a_edge__P in Hexit. repeat rewrite is_true2_decision in Hexit.
  fold (edge__P C) in Hexit. fold (a_edge__P C) in Hexit.
  eapply head_exits_exit_edge in Hexit.
  right. unfold head_exits_edge.
  - eexists;eauto.
  - contradict Hloop. rewrite <-loop_contains'_basic.
    unfold edge__P,a_edge__P. repeat rewrite is_true2_decision.
    fold (edge__P C);fold (a_edge__P C).
    eapply head_exits_loop_equivalence. auto.

Lemma head_exits_property_a_edge `{C : redCFG} qh
  : head_exits_property C qh -> forall h p q : Lab, exit_edge _ h p q -> ~ loop_contains C h qh -> a_edge h q = true.
  eapply H in H0 as H2.
  - decide (a_edge h q = true);[auto|exfalso].
    eapply no_exit_head;eauto. unfold loop_head.
    exists h. unfold back_edge. unfold_edge_op. split;auto.

Properties of head exit CFGs

Local Arguments loop_contains {_ _ _ _} _.

Lemma head_exits_loop_contains_iff `(C : redCFG) (h p q : Lab)
  : loop_contains C h q <-> loop_contains (head_exits_CFG C p) h q.
  setoid_rewrite <-loop_contains'_basic at 2.
  unfold edge__P,a_edge__P.
  repeat rewrite is_true2_decision.
  fold (edge__P C);fold (a_edge__P C).
  eapply head_exits_loop_equivalence.

Lemma head_exits_deq_loop_inv1 `(C : redCFG) (h p q : Lab)
  : deq_loop (C:=C) p q -> deq_loop (C:=head_exits_CFG C h) p q.
  unfold deq_loop in *.
  setoid_rewrite <-head_exits_loop_contains_iff.

Lemma head_exits_deq_loop_inv2 `(C : redCFG) (h p q : Lab)
  : deq_loop (C:=head_exits_CFG C h) p q -> deq_loop (C:=C) p q.
  unfold deq_loop.
  setoid_rewrite <-head_exits_loop_contains_iff.

Lemma head_exits_exited_inv1 `(C : redCFG) (qh h p : Lab)
  : exited (C:=C) h p -> exited (C:=head_exits_CFG C qh) h p.
  unfold exited, exit_edge.
  setoid_rewrite <-head_exits_loop_contains_iff.
  intros. destructH.
  exists p0. split_conj;eauto.
  eapply decision_prop_iff.
  eapply union_subgraph1;auto.

Lemma head_exits_exited_inv2 `(C : redCFG) (qh h p : Lab)
  : exited (C:=head_exits_CFG C qh) h p -> exited (C:=C) h p.
  unfold exited, exit_edge.
  setoid_rewrite <-head_exits_loop_contains_iff.
  intros. destructH.
  unfold_edge_op' H3. rewrite is_true2_decision in H3. destruct H3.
  - exists p0. split_conj;eauto.
  - eapply head_exits_edge_spec in H. destructH. exists p1.
    replace p0 with h in *.
    + unfold exit_edge in H. destructH. split_conj; eauto.
    + eapply exit_edge_unique_diff_head;eauto.