Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Export Graph Disjoint DecTac.
Section Algo.
(* Nodes and edges of the DAG *)
Variable L : finType.
Variable edge : L -> L -> Prop.
Variable dec : EqDec L eq.
(* The graph is a DAG *)
Variable ac : acyclic edge.
(* The set of start nodes (i.e. successors of a split) *)
Variable S : list L.
Definition in_S x := In x S.
Definition DPath := Path edge.
(* The set P_p from the paper *)
Definition sdom q p := forall 𝜋 s, in_S s -> DPath s p 𝜋 -> q ∈ 𝜋.
Definition reachable a b := exists 𝜋, DPath a b 𝜋.
Definition reachable_from_S p := exists s 𝜋, in_S s /\ DPath s p 𝜋.
(* A predicate that associates d (=p^* ) with p) *)
Definition first_sdom d p := sdom d p /\ forall q, sdom q p -> reachable d q.
(* Menger's theorem for two-seperators *)
Axiom menger_for_two :
forall p q,
(~ exists d, sdom d p /\ sdom d q) ->
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙,
in_S s1 /\
in_S s2 /\
DPath s1 p 𝜋 /\
DPath s2 q 𝜙 /\
Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
Lemma prefix_in 𝜋 𝜙 a b c x
(Hprefix : Prefix 𝜙 𝜋)
(H𝜋 : DPath a c 𝜋)
(H𝜙 : DPath a b 𝜙)
(Hin : x ∈ 𝜙) :
x ∈ 𝜋.
induction H𝜋.
- inversion Hprefix; subst; eauto.
inversion H1; subst. contradiction Hin.
- inversion Hprefix; subst.
+ assumption.
+ simpl. eauto.
Inductive Concat {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| ConcatEmpty l a : Concat (a :: l) [a] (a :: l)
| ConcatNode l r s a : Concat l r s -> Concat l (a :: r) (a :: s).
Lemma path_trans a b c 𝜋 𝜙
(H𝜋 : DPath a b 𝜋)
(H𝜙 : DPath b c 𝜙) :
exists 𝜌, DPath a c 𝜌 /\ Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌.
induction H𝜙.
- eexists. split.
+ eassumption.
+ inversion_clear H𝜋; econstructor.
- destruct IHH𝜙 as [𝜌 [H𝜌 Hconcat]]; [ eauto |].
eexists. split; econstructor; eassumption.
Lemma concat_in 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Ha : a ∈ 𝜌) :
a ∈ 𝜋 \/ a ∈ 𝜙.
induction Hconcat.
- firstorder.
- destruct Ha.
+ firstorder.
+ destruct IHHconcat; firstorder.
Lemma not_in_concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Hnotin𝜋 : a ∉ 𝜋)
(Hnotin𝜙 : a ∉ 𝜙)
: a ∉ 𝜌.
induction Hconcat; firstorder.
Lemma concat_not_in_pair 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Hnotin : a ∉ 𝜌)
: a ∉ 𝜋 /\ a ∉ 𝜙.
induction Hconcat; try split; firstorder.
Lemma path_split_concat a b x 𝜋
(H𝜋 : DPath a b 𝜋)
(Hin : x ∈ 𝜋) :
exists 𝛼 𝛽, DPath a x 𝛼 /\ DPath x b 𝛽 /\ Concat 𝛼 𝛽 𝜋.
induction H𝜋.
- inversion_clear Hin; subst.
+ exists [x]. exists [x].
repeat split; try econstructor.
+ inversion H.
- inversion Hin.
+ subst.
exists (x :: π). exists [x].
repeat split; try econstructor; try eassumption.
+ destruct IHH𝜋 as [𝛼 [𝛽 [H𝛼 [H𝛽 Hconcat]]]]; try assumption.
exists 𝛼. eexists.
split; try assumption.
* econstructor; try eassumption.
* econstructor. assumption.
Lemma acyclic_not_in_postfix 𝜋 a b c
(H𝜋 : DPath a c 𝜋)
(Hin : b ∈ 𝜋)
(Hneq : b <> a) :
exists 𝜙, DPath b c 𝜙 /\ a ∉ 𝜙.
specialize (path_to_elem H𝜋 Hin); intro.
destruct H as [𝜙 [H𝜙 Hpost]].
specialize (path_from_elem _ H𝜋 Hin); intro.
destruct H as [𝜌 [H𝜌 Hpre]].
exists 𝜌. split; [eauto |].
intro Hin2.
specialize (path_to_elem H𝜌 Hin2); intro.
destruct H as [𝜙' [H𝜙' _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; try eassumption.
Lemma sdom_trans a b c :
sdom a b ->
sdom b c ->
sdom a c.
intros Ha Hb.
unfold sdom.
intros 𝜋 s Hin Hpath.
unfold sdom in Ha, Hb.
specialize (Hb 𝜋 s Hin Hpath).
eapply path_to_elem in Hb.
- destruct Hb as [𝜙 [H𝜙 Hprefix]].
specialize (Ha 𝜙 s Hin H𝜙).
eapply prefix_in; eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma suffix_disjoint s1 dp q dq 𝜋 𝜙
(path_𝜋 : DPath s1 dp 𝜋)
(path_𝜙 : DPath dq q 𝜙)
(Hins : in_S s1)
(Hsdom_q : first_sdom dq q)
(Hdqnotin_𝜋 : dq ∉ 𝜋)
(Hdneq : dq <> dp) :
Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
intro a. intro Hain_𝜋. intro Hain_𝜙.
destruct (decide_eq a dq) as [Had_eq | Had_neq].
- subst a. contradiction Hain_𝜋.
- destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path_𝜙 Hain_𝜙 Had_neq) as [𝜙' [path_𝜙' Hdqnotin_𝜙']].
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜋 Hain_𝜋) as [𝜋1 [𝜋2 [path_𝜋1 [path_𝜋2 Hconc]]]].
destruct (concat_not_in_pair Hconc Hdqnotin_𝜋) as [Hdqnotin_𝜋1 Hdqnotin_𝜋2].
destruct (path_trans path_𝜋1 path_𝜙') as [contra [path_contra Hconcat_contra]].
eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat_contra); try eassumption.
eapply Hsdom_q; try eassumption.
Lemma disjoint_symm {A : Type} 𝜋 𝜙
(Hdisj : Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙) :
@Disjoint A 𝜙 𝜋.
Lemma two_parts_disjoint 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌1 𝜎1 𝜌2 𝜎2
(Hconcat1 : Concat 𝜌1 𝜎1 𝜋)
(Hconcat2 : Concat 𝜌2 𝜎2 𝜙)
(Hdisj1 : Disjoint 𝜌1 𝜌2)
(Hdisj2 : Disjoint 𝜌1 𝜎2)
(Hdisj3 : Disjoint 𝜎1 𝜌2)
(Hdisj4 : Disjoint 𝜎1 𝜎2) :
@Disjoint L 𝜋 𝜙.
induction Hconcat1;
intro x; intros Hin1; intro Hin2;
assert (Hnin : x ∉ 𝜙) by (eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat2); firstorder);
Section disjoint_first.
Variable p q dp dq : L.
Hypothesis p_from_S : reachable_from_S p.
Hypothesis q_from_S : reachable_from_S q.
Hypothesis dp_first : first_sdom dp p.
Hypothesis dq_first : first_sdom dq q.
Hypothesis dpq_neq : dp <> dq.
Lemma no_single_dom :
(exists d, sdom d dp /\ sdom d dq) -> False.
unfold first_sdom in *.
inversion_clear dp_first as [Hsdom_p Hfirst_p].
inversion_clear dq_first as [Hsdom_q Hfirst_q].
inversion_clear p_from_S as [s1 [𝜋 [in1 path1]]].
inversion_clear q_from_S as [s2 [𝜙 [in2 path2]]].
inversion_clear H as [d [Hsdom_d_dp Hsdom_d_dq]].
destruct (decide_eq d dp).
- subst dp.
assert (Hsdom_d_q : sdom d q) by (eauto using sdom_trans).
eapply Hfirst_q in Hsdom_d_q.
unfold reachable in Hsdom_d_q.
destruct Hsdom_d_q as [𝜌 path_𝜌].
specialize (Hsdom_q 𝜙 s2 in2 path2).
destruct (path_to_elem path2 Hsdom_q) as [𝜎 [path_𝜎 prefix_𝜎]].
unfold sdom in Hsdom_d_dq.
specialize (Hsdom_d_dq 𝜎 s2 in2 path_𝜎).
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜎 Hsdom_d_dq) as [x [H _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; eauto.
- assert (Hsdom_d_p : sdom d p) by (eauto using sdom_trans).
eapply Hfirst_p in Hsdom_d_p.
unfold reachable in Hsdom_d_p.
destruct Hsdom_d_p as [𝜌 path_𝜌].
specialize (Hsdom_p 𝜋 s1 in1 path1).
destruct (path_to_elem path1 Hsdom_p) as [𝜎 [path_𝜎 prefix_𝜎]].
unfold sdom in Hsdom_d_dp.
specialize (Hsdom_d_dp 𝜎 s1 in1 path_𝜎).
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜎 Hsdom_d_dp) as [x [H _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; eauto.
Lemma first_disjoint :
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙, in_S s1 /\ in_S s2 /\ DPath s1 dp 𝜋 /\ DPath s2 dq 𝜙 /\ Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
eauto using menger_for_two, no_single_dom.
Lemma disjoint_from_first_sdom 𝜌 𝜎
(path𝜌 : DPath dp p 𝜌)
(path𝜎 : DPath dq q 𝜎) :
Disjoint 𝜌 𝜎.
specialize first_disjoint; intros.
destruct H as [s1 [s2 [𝜋 [𝜙 [in1 [in2 [path1 [path2 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
clear p_from_S q_from_S.
assert (Hdp_notin_𝜙 : dp ∉ 𝜙). {
intro. eapply Hdisj; try eassumption. inversion path1; eauto.
assert (Hdq_notin_𝜋 : dq ∉ 𝜋). {
intro. eapply Hdisj; try eassumption. inversion path2; eauto.
destruct (In_dec _ dq 𝜌).
- exfalso.
destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path𝜌 H) as [𝛼 [path𝛼 Hnotin_dp]]; [ firstorder|].
destruct (path_trans path2 path𝛼) as [contra [path_contra Hconcat]].
eapply not_in_concat; try eassumption.
inversion_clear dp_first as [Hsdom_p _].
eapply Hsdom_p; try eassumption.
- unfold Disjoint.
intros d Hdin𝜌.
intro Hdin𝜎.
assert (Hddq : d <> dq). {
intro. subst. contradiction H.
destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path𝜎 Hdin𝜎) as [𝛽 [path𝛽 Hnotin𝛽]]. {
intro. subst. eauto.
destruct (path_split_concat path𝜌 Hdin𝜌) as [𝛼 [𝛼' [path𝛼 [path𝛼' Hconcat]]]].
destruct (concat_not_in_pair Hconcat H) as [Hnotin𝛼 _].
destruct (path_trans path1 path𝛼) as [𝛾 [path𝛾 Hconcat𝛾]].
destruct (path_trans path𝛾 path𝛽) as [contra [path_contra Hconcat_contra]].
eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat_contra).
+ eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat𝛾); try eassumption.
+ eassumption.
+ inversion_clear dq_first as [Hsdom_q _].
eapply Hsdom_q. apply in1. assumption.
Lemma ex_disjoint :
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙, in_S s1 /\ in_S s2 /\ DPath s1 p 𝜋 /\ DPath s2 q 𝜙 /\ Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
destruct p_from_S.
destruct first_disjoint as [s1 [s2 [𝜋 [𝜙 [in1 [in2 [path1 [path2 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
inversion dp_first as [Hsdom_p Hfirst_p].
destruct p_from_S as [s1' [𝜋' [Hins1' path_𝜋']]].
assert (Hdpin : dp ∈ 𝜋') by eauto.
inversion dq_first as [Hsdom_q Hfirst_q].
destruct q_from_S as [s2' [𝜙' [Hins2' path_𝜙']]].
assert (Hdqin : dq ∈ 𝜙') by eauto.
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜋' Hdpin) as [_ [𝜋2 [_ [path_𝜋2 _]]]].
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜙' Hdqin) as [_ [𝜙2 [_ [path_𝜙2 _]]]].
clear s1' 𝜋' Hins1' path_𝜋' Hdpin.
clear s2' 𝜙' Hins2' path_𝜙' Hdqin.
destruct (path_trans path1 path_𝜋2) as [𝜋c [path_𝜋c Hconc_𝜋c]].
destruct (path_trans path2 path_𝜙2) as [𝜙c [path_𝜙c Hconc_𝜙c]].
exists s1. exists s2. exists 𝜋c. exists 𝜙c. repeat split; try eassumption.
assert (dqp_neq : dq <> dp). {
intro. apply dpq_neq. subst. reflexivity.
eapply (two_parts_disjoint Hconc_𝜋c Hconc_𝜙c).
- assumption.
- eapply suffix_disjoint; try eassumption.
eapply disjoint_symm in Hdisj.
eapply Hdisj.
eauto using path_contains_front.
- eapply disjoint_symm. eapply suffix_disjoint; try eassumption.
eapply Hdisj.
eauto using path_contains_front.
- eauto using disjoint_from_first_sdom.
End disjoint_first.
Lemma pred_sdom_diff a b p da db
(Hreach_a : reachable_from_S a)
(Hreach_b : reachable_from_S b)
(Hedge_a : edge a p)
(Hedge_b : edge b p)
(Ha : first_sdom da a)
(Hb : first_sdom db b)
(Hneq : da <> db) :
first_sdom p p.
unfold first_sdom.
split. {
unfold sdom. intros. eauto using path_contains_front.
decide (p = q) as [ Heq | Hneqpq ]. {
subst q. unfold reachable. exists [p]. econstructor.
destruct (ex_disjoint Hreach_a Hreach_b Ha Hb Hneq) as
[s0 [s1 [𝜋 [𝜙 [HinS0 [HinS1 [path_𝜋 [path_𝜙 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
assert (path_𝜋' : DPath s0 p (p :: 𝜋)). {
econstructor; try eassumption.
assert (path_𝜙' : DPath s1 p (p :: 𝜙)). {
econstructor; try eassumption.
exfalso. unfold Disjoint in Hdisj.
unfold sdom in H.
assert (Hqin_𝜋 : q ∈ 𝜋). {
apply H in path_𝜋'; try eassumption.
inversion path_𝜋'; firstorder.
assert (Hqin_𝜙 : q ∈ 𝜙). {
apply H in path_𝜙'; try eassumption.
inversion path_𝜙'; firstorder.
eapply Hdisj; try eassumption.
Lemma pred_sdom_same p dp
(Hpred : forall q, edge q p -> first_sdom dp q)
(Hreach : reachable_from_S p)
(HnotinS : ~ in_S p) :
first_sdom dp p.
unfold first_sdom in *.
assert (Hsdom : sdom dp p). {
unfold sdom. intros.
inversion H0; subst.
contradiction H.
apply Hpred in H2.
destruct H2 as [Hsdom Hfirst].
split; [ assumption |].
unfold reachable_from_S in Hreach.
destruct Hreach as [s [𝜋 [HinS path_𝜋]]].
decide (q = p) as [ | Hne ]; [ subst q |]. {
unfold sdom in Hsdom.
specialize (Hsdom 𝜋 s HinS path_𝜋).
unfold reachable.
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜋 Hsdom). firstorder.
inversion path_𝜋; subst.
- contradiction HinS.
- rename path_𝜋 into path_π.
assert (Hsdom_b : sdom q b). {
unfold sdom. intros 𝜋 s0 Hins0 path_𝜋.
assert (path_𝜋' := PathCons path_𝜋 H1).
unfold sdom in H.
specialize (H (p :: 𝜋) s0 Hins0 path_𝜋').
inversion H; firstorder.
Lemma sdom_init s
(HinS : in_S s) :
first_sdom s s.
unfold first_sdom, sdom.
- eauto using path_contains_front.
- intros. unfold reachable.
specialize (H [s] s HinS (PathSingle _ s)).
inversion H.
+ subst q. exists [s]. constructor.
+ contradiction H0.
End Algo.
Require Export Graph Disjoint DecTac.
Section Algo.
(* Nodes and edges of the DAG *)
Variable L : finType.
Variable edge : L -> L -> Prop.
Variable dec : EqDec L eq.
(* The graph is a DAG *)
Variable ac : acyclic edge.
(* The set of start nodes (i.e. successors of a split) *)
Variable S : list L.
Definition in_S x := In x S.
Definition DPath := Path edge.
(* The set P_p from the paper *)
Definition sdom q p := forall 𝜋 s, in_S s -> DPath s p 𝜋 -> q ∈ 𝜋.
Definition reachable a b := exists 𝜋, DPath a b 𝜋.
Definition reachable_from_S p := exists s 𝜋, in_S s /\ DPath s p 𝜋.
(* A predicate that associates d (=p^* ) with p) *)
Definition first_sdom d p := sdom d p /\ forall q, sdom q p -> reachable d q.
(* Menger's theorem for two-seperators *)
Axiom menger_for_two :
forall p q,
(~ exists d, sdom d p /\ sdom d q) ->
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙,
in_S s1 /\
in_S s2 /\
DPath s1 p 𝜋 /\
DPath s2 q 𝜙 /\
Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
Lemma prefix_in 𝜋 𝜙 a b c x
(Hprefix : Prefix 𝜙 𝜋)
(H𝜋 : DPath a c 𝜋)
(H𝜙 : DPath a b 𝜙)
(Hin : x ∈ 𝜙) :
x ∈ 𝜋.
induction H𝜋.
- inversion Hprefix; subst; eauto.
inversion H1; subst. contradiction Hin.
- inversion Hprefix; subst.
+ assumption.
+ simpl. eauto.
Inductive Concat {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| ConcatEmpty l a : Concat (a :: l) [a] (a :: l)
| ConcatNode l r s a : Concat l r s -> Concat l (a :: r) (a :: s).
Lemma path_trans a b c 𝜋 𝜙
(H𝜋 : DPath a b 𝜋)
(H𝜙 : DPath b c 𝜙) :
exists 𝜌, DPath a c 𝜌 /\ Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌.
induction H𝜙.
- eexists. split.
+ eassumption.
+ inversion_clear H𝜋; econstructor.
- destruct IHH𝜙 as [𝜌 [H𝜌 Hconcat]]; [ eauto |].
eexists. split; econstructor; eassumption.
Lemma concat_in 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Ha : a ∈ 𝜌) :
a ∈ 𝜋 \/ a ∈ 𝜙.
induction Hconcat.
- firstorder.
- destruct Ha.
+ firstorder.
+ destruct IHHconcat; firstorder.
Lemma not_in_concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Hnotin𝜋 : a ∉ 𝜋)
(Hnotin𝜙 : a ∉ 𝜙)
: a ∉ 𝜌.
induction Hconcat; firstorder.
Lemma concat_not_in_pair 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌 (a : L)
(Hconcat : Concat 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌)
(Hnotin : a ∉ 𝜌)
: a ∉ 𝜋 /\ a ∉ 𝜙.
induction Hconcat; try split; firstorder.
Lemma path_split_concat a b x 𝜋
(H𝜋 : DPath a b 𝜋)
(Hin : x ∈ 𝜋) :
exists 𝛼 𝛽, DPath a x 𝛼 /\ DPath x b 𝛽 /\ Concat 𝛼 𝛽 𝜋.
induction H𝜋.
- inversion_clear Hin; subst.
+ exists [x]. exists [x].
repeat split; try econstructor.
+ inversion H.
- inversion Hin.
+ subst.
exists (x :: π). exists [x].
repeat split; try econstructor; try eassumption.
+ destruct IHH𝜋 as [𝛼 [𝛽 [H𝛼 [H𝛽 Hconcat]]]]; try assumption.
exists 𝛼. eexists.
split; try assumption.
* econstructor; try eassumption.
* econstructor. assumption.
Lemma acyclic_not_in_postfix 𝜋 a b c
(H𝜋 : DPath a c 𝜋)
(Hin : b ∈ 𝜋)
(Hneq : b <> a) :
exists 𝜙, DPath b c 𝜙 /\ a ∉ 𝜙.
specialize (path_to_elem H𝜋 Hin); intro.
destruct H as [𝜙 [H𝜙 Hpost]].
specialize (path_from_elem _ H𝜋 Hin); intro.
destruct H as [𝜌 [H𝜌 Hpre]].
exists 𝜌. split; [eauto |].
intro Hin2.
specialize (path_to_elem H𝜌 Hin2); intro.
destruct H as [𝜙' [H𝜙' _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; try eassumption.
Lemma sdom_trans a b c :
sdom a b ->
sdom b c ->
sdom a c.
intros Ha Hb.
unfold sdom.
intros 𝜋 s Hin Hpath.
unfold sdom in Ha, Hb.
specialize (Hb 𝜋 s Hin Hpath).
eapply path_to_elem in Hb.
- destruct Hb as [𝜙 [H𝜙 Hprefix]].
specialize (Ha 𝜙 s Hin H𝜙).
eapply prefix_in; eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma suffix_disjoint s1 dp q dq 𝜋 𝜙
(path_𝜋 : DPath s1 dp 𝜋)
(path_𝜙 : DPath dq q 𝜙)
(Hins : in_S s1)
(Hsdom_q : first_sdom dq q)
(Hdqnotin_𝜋 : dq ∉ 𝜋)
(Hdneq : dq <> dp) :
Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
intro a. intro Hain_𝜋. intro Hain_𝜙.
destruct (decide_eq a dq) as [Had_eq | Had_neq].
- subst a. contradiction Hain_𝜋.
- destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path_𝜙 Hain_𝜙 Had_neq) as [𝜙' [path_𝜙' Hdqnotin_𝜙']].
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜋 Hain_𝜋) as [𝜋1 [𝜋2 [path_𝜋1 [path_𝜋2 Hconc]]]].
destruct (concat_not_in_pair Hconc Hdqnotin_𝜋) as [Hdqnotin_𝜋1 Hdqnotin_𝜋2].
destruct (path_trans path_𝜋1 path_𝜙') as [contra [path_contra Hconcat_contra]].
eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat_contra); try eassumption.
eapply Hsdom_q; try eassumption.
Lemma disjoint_symm {A : Type} 𝜋 𝜙
(Hdisj : Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙) :
@Disjoint A 𝜙 𝜋.
Lemma two_parts_disjoint 𝜋 𝜙 𝜌1 𝜎1 𝜌2 𝜎2
(Hconcat1 : Concat 𝜌1 𝜎1 𝜋)
(Hconcat2 : Concat 𝜌2 𝜎2 𝜙)
(Hdisj1 : Disjoint 𝜌1 𝜌2)
(Hdisj2 : Disjoint 𝜌1 𝜎2)
(Hdisj3 : Disjoint 𝜎1 𝜌2)
(Hdisj4 : Disjoint 𝜎1 𝜎2) :
@Disjoint L 𝜋 𝜙.
induction Hconcat1;
intro x; intros Hin1; intro Hin2;
assert (Hnin : x ∉ 𝜙) by (eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat2); firstorder);
Section disjoint_first.
Variable p q dp dq : L.
Hypothesis p_from_S : reachable_from_S p.
Hypothesis q_from_S : reachable_from_S q.
Hypothesis dp_first : first_sdom dp p.
Hypothesis dq_first : first_sdom dq q.
Hypothesis dpq_neq : dp <> dq.
Lemma no_single_dom :
(exists d, sdom d dp /\ sdom d dq) -> False.
unfold first_sdom in *.
inversion_clear dp_first as [Hsdom_p Hfirst_p].
inversion_clear dq_first as [Hsdom_q Hfirst_q].
inversion_clear p_from_S as [s1 [𝜋 [in1 path1]]].
inversion_clear q_from_S as [s2 [𝜙 [in2 path2]]].
inversion_clear H as [d [Hsdom_d_dp Hsdom_d_dq]].
destruct (decide_eq d dp).
- subst dp.
assert (Hsdom_d_q : sdom d q) by (eauto using sdom_trans).
eapply Hfirst_q in Hsdom_d_q.
unfold reachable in Hsdom_d_q.
destruct Hsdom_d_q as [𝜌 path_𝜌].
specialize (Hsdom_q 𝜙 s2 in2 path2).
destruct (path_to_elem path2 Hsdom_q) as [𝜎 [path_𝜎 prefix_𝜎]].
unfold sdom in Hsdom_d_dq.
specialize (Hsdom_d_dq 𝜎 s2 in2 path_𝜎).
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜎 Hsdom_d_dq) as [x [H _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; eauto.
- assert (Hsdom_d_p : sdom d p) by (eauto using sdom_trans).
eapply Hfirst_p in Hsdom_d_p.
unfold reachable in Hsdom_d_p.
destruct Hsdom_d_p as [𝜌 path_𝜌].
specialize (Hsdom_p 𝜋 s1 in1 path1).
destruct (path_to_elem path1 Hsdom_p) as [𝜎 [path_𝜎 prefix_𝜎]].
unfold sdom in Hsdom_d_dp.
specialize (Hsdom_d_dp 𝜎 s1 in1 path_𝜎).
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜎 Hsdom_d_dp) as [x [H _]].
eapply path_path_acyclic; eauto.
Lemma first_disjoint :
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙, in_S s1 /\ in_S s2 /\ DPath s1 dp 𝜋 /\ DPath s2 dq 𝜙 /\ Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
eauto using menger_for_two, no_single_dom.
Lemma disjoint_from_first_sdom 𝜌 𝜎
(path𝜌 : DPath dp p 𝜌)
(path𝜎 : DPath dq q 𝜎) :
Disjoint 𝜌 𝜎.
specialize first_disjoint; intros.
destruct H as [s1 [s2 [𝜋 [𝜙 [in1 [in2 [path1 [path2 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
clear p_from_S q_from_S.
assert (Hdp_notin_𝜙 : dp ∉ 𝜙). {
intro. eapply Hdisj; try eassumption. inversion path1; eauto.
assert (Hdq_notin_𝜋 : dq ∉ 𝜋). {
intro. eapply Hdisj; try eassumption. inversion path2; eauto.
destruct (In_dec _ dq 𝜌).
- exfalso.
destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path𝜌 H) as [𝛼 [path𝛼 Hnotin_dp]]; [ firstorder|].
destruct (path_trans path2 path𝛼) as [contra [path_contra Hconcat]].
eapply not_in_concat; try eassumption.
inversion_clear dp_first as [Hsdom_p _].
eapply Hsdom_p; try eassumption.
- unfold Disjoint.
intros d Hdin𝜌.
intro Hdin𝜎.
assert (Hddq : d <> dq). {
intro. subst. contradiction H.
destruct (acyclic_not_in_postfix path𝜎 Hdin𝜎) as [𝛽 [path𝛽 Hnotin𝛽]]. {
intro. subst. eauto.
destruct (path_split_concat path𝜌 Hdin𝜌) as [𝛼 [𝛼' [path𝛼 [path𝛼' Hconcat]]]].
destruct (concat_not_in_pair Hconcat H) as [Hnotin𝛼 _].
destruct (path_trans path1 path𝛼) as [𝛾 [path𝛾 Hconcat𝛾]].
destruct (path_trans path𝛾 path𝛽) as [contra [path_contra Hconcat_contra]].
eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat_contra).
+ eapply (not_in_concat Hconcat𝛾); try eassumption.
+ eassumption.
+ inversion_clear dq_first as [Hsdom_q _].
eapply Hsdom_q. apply in1. assumption.
Lemma ex_disjoint :
exists s1 s2 𝜋 𝜙, in_S s1 /\ in_S s2 /\ DPath s1 p 𝜋 /\ DPath s2 q 𝜙 /\ Disjoint 𝜋 𝜙.
destruct p_from_S.
destruct first_disjoint as [s1 [s2 [𝜋 [𝜙 [in1 [in2 [path1 [path2 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
inversion dp_first as [Hsdom_p Hfirst_p].
destruct p_from_S as [s1' [𝜋' [Hins1' path_𝜋']]].
assert (Hdpin : dp ∈ 𝜋') by eauto.
inversion dq_first as [Hsdom_q Hfirst_q].
destruct q_from_S as [s2' [𝜙' [Hins2' path_𝜙']]].
assert (Hdqin : dq ∈ 𝜙') by eauto.
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜋' Hdpin) as [_ [𝜋2 [_ [path_𝜋2 _]]]].
destruct (path_split_concat path_𝜙' Hdqin) as [_ [𝜙2 [_ [path_𝜙2 _]]]].
clear s1' 𝜋' Hins1' path_𝜋' Hdpin.
clear s2' 𝜙' Hins2' path_𝜙' Hdqin.
destruct (path_trans path1 path_𝜋2) as [𝜋c [path_𝜋c Hconc_𝜋c]].
destruct (path_trans path2 path_𝜙2) as [𝜙c [path_𝜙c Hconc_𝜙c]].
exists s1. exists s2. exists 𝜋c. exists 𝜙c. repeat split; try eassumption.
assert (dqp_neq : dq <> dp). {
intro. apply dpq_neq. subst. reflexivity.
eapply (two_parts_disjoint Hconc_𝜋c Hconc_𝜙c).
- assumption.
- eapply suffix_disjoint; try eassumption.
eapply disjoint_symm in Hdisj.
eapply Hdisj.
eauto using path_contains_front.
- eapply disjoint_symm. eapply suffix_disjoint; try eassumption.
eapply Hdisj.
eauto using path_contains_front.
- eauto using disjoint_from_first_sdom.
End disjoint_first.
Lemma pred_sdom_diff a b p da db
(Hreach_a : reachable_from_S a)
(Hreach_b : reachable_from_S b)
(Hedge_a : edge a p)
(Hedge_b : edge b p)
(Ha : first_sdom da a)
(Hb : first_sdom db b)
(Hneq : da <> db) :
first_sdom p p.
unfold first_sdom.
split. {
unfold sdom. intros. eauto using path_contains_front.
decide (p = q) as [ Heq | Hneqpq ]. {
subst q. unfold reachable. exists [p]. econstructor.
destruct (ex_disjoint Hreach_a Hreach_b Ha Hb Hneq) as
[s0 [s1 [𝜋 [𝜙 [HinS0 [HinS1 [path_𝜋 [path_𝜙 Hdisj]]]]]]]].
assert (path_𝜋' : DPath s0 p (p :: 𝜋)). {
econstructor; try eassumption.
assert (path_𝜙' : DPath s1 p (p :: 𝜙)). {
econstructor; try eassumption.
exfalso. unfold Disjoint in Hdisj.
unfold sdom in H.
assert (Hqin_𝜋 : q ∈ 𝜋). {
apply H in path_𝜋'; try eassumption.
inversion path_𝜋'; firstorder.
assert (Hqin_𝜙 : q ∈ 𝜙). {
apply H in path_𝜙'; try eassumption.
inversion path_𝜙'; firstorder.
eapply Hdisj; try eassumption.
Lemma pred_sdom_same p dp
(Hpred : forall q, edge q p -> first_sdom dp q)
(Hreach : reachable_from_S p)
(HnotinS : ~ in_S p) :
first_sdom dp p.
unfold first_sdom in *.
assert (Hsdom : sdom dp p). {
unfold sdom. intros.
inversion H0; subst.
contradiction H.
apply Hpred in H2.
destruct H2 as [Hsdom Hfirst].
split; [ assumption |].
unfold reachable_from_S in Hreach.
destruct Hreach as [s [𝜋 [HinS path_𝜋]]].
decide (q = p) as [ | Hne ]; [ subst q |]. {
unfold sdom in Hsdom.
specialize (Hsdom 𝜋 s HinS path_𝜋).
unfold reachable.
destruct (path_from_elem _ path_𝜋 Hsdom). firstorder.
inversion path_𝜋; subst.
- contradiction HinS.
- rename path_𝜋 into path_π.
assert (Hsdom_b : sdom q b). {
unfold sdom. intros 𝜋 s0 Hins0 path_𝜋.
assert (path_𝜋' := PathCons path_𝜋 H1).
unfold sdom in H.
specialize (H (p :: 𝜋) s0 Hins0 path_𝜋').
inversion H; firstorder.
Lemma sdom_init s
(HinS : in_S s) :
first_sdom s s.
unfold first_sdom, sdom.
- eauto using path_contains_front.
- intros. unfold reachable.
specialize (H [s] s HinS (PathSingle _ s)).
inversion H.
+ subst q. exists [s]. constructor.
+ contradiction H0.
End Algo.