Require Export HeadRewire PPexhead.
Require Import Lia.
Section cfg.
Context `{C : redCFG}.
Infix "-->" := edge__P.
Lemma contract_cpath (π : list Lab) p q
(Hπ : CPath p q π)
(Hdeq : forall x, x ∈ π -> deq_loop x q)
(Hnin : forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q) (* Header of q is not on π *)
: exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π.
revert dependent q. revert dependent π.
specialize (well_founded_ind (R:=(@StrictPrefix' Lab)) (@StrictPrefix_well_founded Lab)
(fun π : list Lab => forall q, CPath p q π ->
(forall x, x ∈ π -> deq_loop x q) ->
(forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q) ->
exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π))
as WFind.
eapply WFind.
intros π IH q Hπ Hdeq Hnin. clear WFind.
inv Hπ.
- exists [q]. unfold incl. split; eauto; econstructor.
- specialize (edge_Edge H0) as Hedge.
rename H into Hπ. rename q into c. rename π0 into π.
assert (Hprefix : StrictPrefix' π (c :: π)) by (repeat econstructor).
simpl in Hnin.
inv Hedge.
+ edestruct IH as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]]; try eauto.
* unfold deq_loop in *. eauto using basic_edge_loop_contains.
* intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
eauto using basic_edge_loop_contains.
* exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |].
left. split; [ eassumption |].
intro. eapply (Hnin b). eauto using path_contains_front.
eauto using loop_contains_self, basic_edge_loop_contains.
+ edestruct IH as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]]; try eauto.
* unfold deq_loop in *. eauto using back_edge_loop_contains.
* intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
eauto using back_edge_loop_contains.
* exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |].
left. split; eauto using back_edge_src_no_loop_head.
+ unfold entry_edge in H. destruct H as [Hhead [H _]].
exfalso. apply H. unfold deq_loop in Hdeq.
eauto using loop_contains_self, in_cons, path_contains_front.
+ destruct H as [h Hexit].
decide (h ∈ π) as [ Hhin | Hhnin ].
* specialize (in_path_ex_prefix_not_in Hπ Hhin) as Hfirst.
destruct Hfirst as [ϕ [Hpre Hninϕ]].
destruct ϕ as [ | e ϕ ].
-- assert (Heq : p = h) by (eauto using prefix_singleton).
subst p. exists [c; h]. split.
++ econstructor; [ econstructor |]. right. exists b. eassumption.
++ unfold incl. intros. inversion H.
** subst. eauto.
** inversion H1. subst. eauto. inversion H2.
-- assert (Hedge : e --> h).
{ eapply prefix_edge_exists. 2:eauto. eauto. }
assert (Hedge' : entry_edge e h \/ back_edge e h). {
eapply edge_Edge in Hedge.
inv Hedge; try eauto.
- exfalso. eapply basic_edge_no_loop2. eapply H.
eapply loop_contains_loop_head. eapply Hexit.
- destruct H as [h' H]. eapply no_exit_head in H.
exfalso. apply H. unfold loop_contains in Hexit. unfold loop_head. firstorder.
destruct Hedge' as [Hent | Hback].
++ edestruct (@IH (e :: ϕ)) as [ϕ' [Hϕ' Hincl']].
** econstructor. eapply PreStep. eassumption.
** eapply prefix_cons in Hpre. eapply path_prefix_path'; try eassumption.
** intros. eapply eq_loop2.
--- eauto using enter_exit_same.
--- eapply Hdeq. eauto using in_prefix_in.
** simpl. intros. intro. eapply Hnin. eapply in_prefix_in. eapply H.
eauto using prefix_cons. eapply eq_loop2. eauto using enter_exit_same.
eapply deq_loop_refl. eassumption.
** exists (c :: h :: ϕ'). split.
--- econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hϕ'.
+++ left. split; [ eauto |].
intro. eapply (Hnin e).
*** eauto using prefix_cons, in_prefix_in.
*** eauto using deq_loop_head_loop_contains, eq_loop2, enter_exit_same.
+++ right. exists b. eassumption.
--- intros x Hx.
destruct Hx.
+++ subst. left;auto.
+++ destruct H.
*** subst. right;auto.
*** right. eapply prefix_incl;eauto.
++ assert (Hnin2 : forall x, x ∈ (e :: ϕ) -> ~ loop_contains x e). {
intros. intro. eapply Hnin. eapply in_prefix_in.
2: eapply Hpre.
1: eapply in_cons. eassumption.
specialize (back_edge_innermost Hback) as Hinner1.
- enough (x <> h).
+ eapply (exit_edge_in_loop Hexit); try eassumption.
eauto using back_edge_loop_contains, eq_loop2.
+ intro. subst. contradiction.
edestruct (@IH (e :: ϕ)) as [ϕ' [Hϕ' Hincl']].
** econstructor. eapply PreStep. eassumption.
** eapply prefix_cons in Hpre. eapply path_prefix_path'; try eassumption.
** eauto using exit_edge_innermost, back_edge_innermost,
path_no_loop_head_deq, prefix_cons, path_prefix_path' .
** eauto.
** exists (c :: h :: ϕ'). split.
--- econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hϕ'.
+++ left. split; [ eauto |].
decide (loop_head e); [| eassumption ]. exfalso.
eapply (Hnin2 e); eauto using loop_contains_self.
+++ right. exists b. eassumption.
--- intros x Hx.
destruct Hx.
+++ subst. left;auto.
+++ destruct H.
*** subst. right; auto.
*** right. eapply prefix_incl; eauto.
* edestruct (IH π) as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]].
-- econstructor. econstructor.
-- eauto.
-- eauto using exit_edge_innermost, back_edge_innermost, path_no_loop_head_deq.
-- intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
edestruct (deq_loop_exit_or Hexit); try eassumption.
subst. exfalso. eauto using in_tl_in.
-- exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |]. left. split; [ assumption |]. intro.
enough (h = b).
++ subst b. eauto using path_contains_front.
++ assert (Heq : eq_loop h b) by (eauto using eq_loop_exiting).
assert (Hinner : innermost_loop h b) by (eauto using exit_edge_innermost).
eapply loop_contains_self in H.
destruct Hinner as [Hinner _].
eauto using head_unique.
Lemma contract_cpath' (π : list Lab) q p
(Hπ : CPath p q π)
(Hdeq : deq_loop p q)
(Hnin : forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q)
: exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π.
eapply contract_cpath;eauto.
unfold deq_loop. intros x Hxin h Hhcont.
decide (loop_contains h x) as [Htmp | Hxcont]; [ assumption |].
destruct π as [|l π']; [ contradiction |].
replace l with q in * by (eauto using path_front).
simpl in Hnin.
inversion Hπ; subst. {
inv Hxin. contradiction. inv H.
rename H3 into Hedge. rename H0 into Hπ'.
destruct Hxin as [Htmp | Hxin]. {
subst. contradiction.
decide (loop_contains q q) as [Hhead | Hnhead ].
- (* if q is a loop header, we cannot use Hnin to create a contradiction because it
is only applicable to tl π. We essentially need to show that there is a header
that contains q and lies on π' that contains all nodes on π'.
We get that header using p_p_ex_head. Then, the fact that this header
contains all other loops is in contradiction with Hnin. *)
edestruct loop_reachs_member as [ρ Hρ].
eapply (deq_loop_head_loop_contains Hdeq).
eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
remember ((q :: π') ++ tl ρ) as σ.
assert (Hσ : CPath q q σ). {
rewrite Heqσ.
eapply path_app'.
- eapply subgraph_path'; eauto using a_edge_incl.
- eassumption.
edestruct (p_p_ex_head Hσ) as [ho [Hin Hcont]]. {
rewrite Heqσ. simpl.
induction π'; try contradiction.
simpl. lia.
assert (Hne : q <> ho). {
intro. subst ho.
eapply Hxcont.
eapply loop_contains_trans.
eapply Hhcont. eapply Hcont.
rewrite Heqσ.
eauto using in_or_app.
assert (Hoinπ' : ho ∈ π'). {
(* Show that ho is on the π' part of σ.
Essentially by constructing an acyclic path from ho to ho. *)
assert (Hinσ := Hin).
rewrite Heqσ in Hin. simpl in Hin.
destruct Hin.
- exfalso. eauto.
- eapply in_app_or in H.
destruct H;[ eassumption |].
edestruct loop_reachs_member as [τ Hτ]. {
eapply Hcont. rewrite Heqσ. simpl. left. reflexivity.
eapply in_tl_in in H.
edestruct (path_to_elem Hρ H) as [ω [Hω _]].
eapply (path_path_acyclic Hτ Hω); eauto.
eapply (Hnin _ Hoinπ').
eapply Hcont.
rewrite Heqσ. eauto.
- (* the other case is simple. The path needs to go through the loop header h
to reach p. This header contradicts Hnin. *)
eapply path_from_elem in Hπ'; try eauto.
destruct Hπ' as [ϕ [Hϕ Hpost]].
eapply (Hnin h); try eassumption.
eapply in_postfix_in; try eassumption.
eapply (dom_loop_contains).
2: eapply Hxcont.
2: eapply Hϕ.
eapply (preds_in_same_loop Hhcont). {
intro. subst. eauto.
End cfg.
Require Import Lia.
Section cfg.
Context `{C : redCFG}.
Infix "-->" := edge__P.
Lemma contract_cpath (π : list Lab) p q
(Hπ : CPath p q π)
(Hdeq : forall x, x ∈ π -> deq_loop x q)
(Hnin : forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q) (* Header of q is not on π *)
: exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π.
revert dependent q. revert dependent π.
specialize (well_founded_ind (R:=(@StrictPrefix' Lab)) (@StrictPrefix_well_founded Lab)
(fun π : list Lab => forall q, CPath p q π ->
(forall x, x ∈ π -> deq_loop x q) ->
(forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q) ->
exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π))
as WFind.
eapply WFind.
intros π IH q Hπ Hdeq Hnin. clear WFind.
inv Hπ.
- exists [q]. unfold incl. split; eauto; econstructor.
- specialize (edge_Edge H0) as Hedge.
rename H into Hπ. rename q into c. rename π0 into π.
assert (Hprefix : StrictPrefix' π (c :: π)) by (repeat econstructor).
simpl in Hnin.
inv Hedge.
+ edestruct IH as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]]; try eauto.
* unfold deq_loop in *. eauto using basic_edge_loop_contains.
* intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
eauto using basic_edge_loop_contains.
* exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |].
left. split; [ eassumption |].
intro. eapply (Hnin b). eauto using path_contains_front.
eauto using loop_contains_self, basic_edge_loop_contains.
+ edestruct IH as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]]; try eauto.
* unfold deq_loop in *. eauto using back_edge_loop_contains.
* intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
eauto using back_edge_loop_contains.
* exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |].
left. split; eauto using back_edge_src_no_loop_head.
+ unfold entry_edge in H. destruct H as [Hhead [H _]].
exfalso. apply H. unfold deq_loop in Hdeq.
eauto using loop_contains_self, in_cons, path_contains_front.
+ destruct H as [h Hexit].
decide (h ∈ π) as [ Hhin | Hhnin ].
* specialize (in_path_ex_prefix_not_in Hπ Hhin) as Hfirst.
destruct Hfirst as [ϕ [Hpre Hninϕ]].
destruct ϕ as [ | e ϕ ].
-- assert (Heq : p = h) by (eauto using prefix_singleton).
subst p. exists [c; h]. split.
++ econstructor; [ econstructor |]. right. exists b. eassumption.
++ unfold incl. intros. inversion H.
** subst. eauto.
** inversion H1. subst. eauto. inversion H2.
-- assert (Hedge : e --> h).
{ eapply prefix_edge_exists. 2:eauto. eauto. }
assert (Hedge' : entry_edge e h \/ back_edge e h). {
eapply edge_Edge in Hedge.
inv Hedge; try eauto.
- exfalso. eapply basic_edge_no_loop2. eapply H.
eapply loop_contains_loop_head. eapply Hexit.
- destruct H as [h' H]. eapply no_exit_head in H.
exfalso. apply H. unfold loop_contains in Hexit. unfold loop_head. firstorder.
destruct Hedge' as [Hent | Hback].
++ edestruct (@IH (e :: ϕ)) as [ϕ' [Hϕ' Hincl']].
** econstructor. eapply PreStep. eassumption.
** eapply prefix_cons in Hpre. eapply path_prefix_path'; try eassumption.
** intros. eapply eq_loop2.
--- eauto using enter_exit_same.
--- eapply Hdeq. eauto using in_prefix_in.
** simpl. intros. intro. eapply Hnin. eapply in_prefix_in. eapply H.
eauto using prefix_cons. eapply eq_loop2. eauto using enter_exit_same.
eapply deq_loop_refl. eassumption.
** exists (c :: h :: ϕ'). split.
--- econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hϕ'.
+++ left. split; [ eauto |].
intro. eapply (Hnin e).
*** eauto using prefix_cons, in_prefix_in.
*** eauto using deq_loop_head_loop_contains, eq_loop2, enter_exit_same.
+++ right. exists b. eassumption.
--- intros x Hx.
destruct Hx.
+++ subst. left;auto.
+++ destruct H.
*** subst. right;auto.
*** right. eapply prefix_incl;eauto.
++ assert (Hnin2 : forall x, x ∈ (e :: ϕ) -> ~ loop_contains x e). {
intros. intro. eapply Hnin. eapply in_prefix_in.
2: eapply Hpre.
1: eapply in_cons. eassumption.
specialize (back_edge_innermost Hback) as Hinner1.
- enough (x <> h).
+ eapply (exit_edge_in_loop Hexit); try eassumption.
eauto using back_edge_loop_contains, eq_loop2.
+ intro. subst. contradiction.
edestruct (@IH (e :: ϕ)) as [ϕ' [Hϕ' Hincl']].
** econstructor. eapply PreStep. eassumption.
** eapply prefix_cons in Hpre. eapply path_prefix_path'; try eassumption.
** eauto using exit_edge_innermost, back_edge_innermost,
path_no_loop_head_deq, prefix_cons, path_prefix_path' .
** eauto.
** exists (c :: h :: ϕ'). split.
--- econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hϕ'.
+++ left. split; [ eauto |].
decide (loop_head e); [| eassumption ]. exfalso.
eapply (Hnin2 e); eauto using loop_contains_self.
+++ right. exists b. eassumption.
--- intros x Hx.
destruct Hx.
+++ subst. left;auto.
+++ destruct H.
*** subst. right; auto.
*** right. eapply prefix_incl; eauto.
* edestruct (IH π) as [ϕ [Hϕ Hincl]].
-- econstructor. econstructor.
-- eauto.
-- eauto using exit_edge_innermost, back_edge_innermost, path_no_loop_head_deq.
-- intros. intro. eapply Hnin. simpl. eapply in_tl_in. eassumption.
edestruct (deq_loop_exit_or Hexit); try eassumption.
subst. exfalso. eauto using in_tl_in.
-- exists (c :: ϕ). split; [| eauto using incl_app ].
econstructor; [ eassumption |]. left. split; [ assumption |]. intro.
enough (h = b).
++ subst b. eauto using path_contains_front.
++ assert (Heq : eq_loop h b) by (eauto using eq_loop_exiting).
assert (Hinner : innermost_loop h b) by (eauto using exit_edge_innermost).
eapply loop_contains_self in H.
destruct Hinner as [Hinner _].
eauto using head_unique.
Lemma contract_cpath' (π : list Lab) q p
(Hπ : CPath p q π)
(Hdeq : deq_loop p q)
(Hnin : forall x, x ∈ tl π -> ~ loop_contains x q)
: exists ϕ, HPath p q ϕ /\ ϕ ⊆ π.
eapply contract_cpath;eauto.
unfold deq_loop. intros x Hxin h Hhcont.
decide (loop_contains h x) as [Htmp | Hxcont]; [ assumption |].
destruct π as [|l π']; [ contradiction |].
replace l with q in * by (eauto using path_front).
simpl in Hnin.
inversion Hπ; subst. {
inv Hxin. contradiction. inv H.
rename H3 into Hedge. rename H0 into Hπ'.
destruct Hxin as [Htmp | Hxin]. {
subst. contradiction.
decide (loop_contains q q) as [Hhead | Hnhead ].
- (* if q is a loop header, we cannot use Hnin to create a contradiction because it
is only applicable to tl π. We essentially need to show that there is a header
that contains q and lies on π' that contains all nodes on π'.
We get that header using p_p_ex_head. Then, the fact that this header
contains all other loops is in contradiction with Hnin. *)
edestruct loop_reachs_member as [ρ Hρ].
eapply (deq_loop_head_loop_contains Hdeq).
eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
remember ((q :: π') ++ tl ρ) as σ.
assert (Hσ : CPath q q σ). {
rewrite Heqσ.
eapply path_app'.
- eapply subgraph_path'; eauto using a_edge_incl.
- eassumption.
edestruct (p_p_ex_head Hσ) as [ho [Hin Hcont]]. {
rewrite Heqσ. simpl.
induction π'; try contradiction.
simpl. lia.
assert (Hne : q <> ho). {
intro. subst ho.
eapply Hxcont.
eapply loop_contains_trans.
eapply Hhcont. eapply Hcont.
rewrite Heqσ.
eauto using in_or_app.
assert (Hoinπ' : ho ∈ π'). {
(* Show that ho is on the π' part of σ.
Essentially by constructing an acyclic path from ho to ho. *)
assert (Hinσ := Hin).
rewrite Heqσ in Hin. simpl in Hin.
destruct Hin.
- exfalso. eauto.
- eapply in_app_or in H.
destruct H;[ eassumption |].
edestruct loop_reachs_member as [τ Hτ]. {
eapply Hcont. rewrite Heqσ. simpl. left. reflexivity.
eapply in_tl_in in H.
edestruct (path_to_elem Hρ H) as [ω [Hω _]].
eapply (path_path_acyclic Hτ Hω); eauto.
eapply (Hnin _ Hoinπ').
eapply Hcont.
rewrite Heqσ. eauto.
- (* the other case is simple. The path needs to go through the loop header h
to reach p. This header contradicts Hnin. *)
eapply path_from_elem in Hπ'; try eauto.
destruct Hπ' as [ϕ [Hϕ Hpost]].
eapply (Hnin h); try eassumption.
eapply in_postfix_in; try eassumption.
eapply (dom_loop_contains).
2: eapply Hxcont.
2: eapply Hϕ.
eapply (preds_in_same_loop Hhcont). {
intro. subst. eauto.
End cfg.