Require Export TcfgEdge.
Require Import Lia.
Section cfg.
Context `{C : redCFG}.
Infix "-->" := edge__P.
Notation "pi -t> qj" := (tcfg_edge pi qj) (at level 50).
Require Import Lia.
Section cfg.
Context `{C : redCFG}.
Infix "-->" := edge__P.
Notation "pi -t> qj" := (tcfg_edge pi qj) (at level 50).
Lemma tag_depth' p i t
(Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) t)
: length i = depth p.
revert p i Hpath.
induction t;intros;[inversion Hpath|].
destruct a as [q j].
unfold TPath in Hpath. path_simpl' Hpath.
inversion Hpath;subst t a;[subst i p|subst c]. clear H3.
- rewrite depth_root. cbn. reflexivity.
- destruct b. eapply tcfg_edge_destruct' in H3.
destruct H3 as [[H Q]|[[H Q]|[[H Q]|[H Q]]]].
all: rewrite H;cbn.
3: rewrite STag_len; eapply back_edge_eq_loop in Q.
1: destruct Q as [Q _].
1,3: setoid_rewrite <-Q;eauto.
+ erewrite <-depth_entry;eauto.
+ eapply eq_add_S.
erewrite <-depth_exit;eauto.
destruct t.
* exfalso. clear - H0 Q IHt. unfold eexit_edge in Q. destructH.
eapply IHt in H0. cbn in H0. eapply eq_loop_exiting in Q as Q'.
rewrite <-Q' in H0.
unfold exit_edge in Q. destructH.
eapply loop_contains_loop_head in Q0. eapply depth_loop_head in Q0. lia.
* erewrite <-IHt;eauto. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma tag_depth p i q j t
(Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) t)
(Hin : (q,j) ∈ t)
: length j = depth q.
eapply path_to_elem in Hpath;eauto. destructH.
eapply tag_depth';eauto.
Lemma tag_eq_loop_exit p q i j j'
(Htag : (q,j ) -t> (p,i))
(Htag': (q,j') -t> (p,i))
(Hneq : j <> j')
: match (get_innermost_loop q) with
| Some h => exit_edge h q p
| None => False
unfold tcfg_edge,eff_tag in Htag,Htag'.
do 2 destructH.
decide (edge__P q p);[|congruence].
inversion Htag1. inversion Htag'1. clear Htag1 Htag'1.
destruct (edge_Edge e);subst.
- inversion H0. inversion H1. subst. contradiction.
- destruct j;[congruence|]. destruct j';[congruence|].
inversion H0. inversion H1. subst. inversion H3. subst. contradiction.
- inversion H1. subst. inversion H0. contradiction.
- unfold eexit_edge in e0. destructH.
specialize (get_innermost_loop_spec q) as Himl.
destruct (get_innermost_loop q).
+ replace e1 with h;eauto. eapply single_exit;eauto. unfold innermost_loop in Himl. destructH.
unfold exit_edge. split_conj;eauto.
specialize (exit_not_deq e0) as Q. contradict Q. eapply loop_contains_deq_loop in Q.
rewrite Q. rewrite Himl1. eapply eq_loop_exiting;eauto.
+ eapply Himl. unfold exit_edge in e0. destructH. eauto.
Lemma deq_loop_le p i j q t t'
(Hdeq : deq_loop p q)
(Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) t)
(Hpath' : TPath (root,start_tag) (q,j) t')
: |j| <= |i|.
eapply tag_depth in Hpath as Hdep'. 2: eapply path_contains_front;eauto.
eapply tag_depth in Hpath' as Hdep. 2: eapply path_contains_front;eauto.
rewrite Hdep, Hdep'.
eapply deq_loop_depth;auto.
Lemma tcfg_edge_exit_nil p q j
(Hedge : tcfg_edge (p,[]) (q,j))
(Hexit : eexit_edge p q)
: False.
destruct Hedge. unfold eff_tag in H0.
decide (edge__P p q).
2: contradiction.
eapply depth_exit in Hexit.
destruct (edge_Edge e).
- eapply depth_basic in b. lia.
- congruence.
- eapply depth_entry in e0. lia.
- congruence.
Lemma tcfg_edge_back_nil p q j
(Hedge : tcfg_edge (p,[]) (q,j))
(Hback : back_edge p q)
: False.
destruct Hedge. unfold eff_tag in H0.
decide (edge__P p q).
2: contradiction.
eapply depth_back in Hback as Hdep.
destruct (edge_Edge e).
- destruct b. destruct Hback. contradiction.
- congruence.
- eapply depth_entry in e0. lia.
- congruence.
Lemma tcfg_edge_depth_iff p q i j
(Hedge : tcfg_edge (p,i) (q,j))
: | i | = depth p <-> | j | = depth q.
specialize (tcfg_edge_destruct' Hedge) as Hd.
destruct Hd as [Hd|[Hd|[Hd|Hd]]].
all: destructH.
- subst. eapply basic_edge_eq_loop in Hd1. rewrite Hd1. reflexivity.
- subst. eapply depth_entry in Hd1. rewrite <-Hd1. cbn.
- eapply back_edge_eq_loop in Hd1 as Hd2. rewrite Hd2. subst.
destruct i.
+ exfalso.
eapply tcfg_edge_back_nil;eauto.
+ cbn. lia.
- eapply depth_exit in Hd1 as Hd2. rewrite Hd2. subst.
destruct i.
+ exfalso. eapply tcfg_edge_exit_nil;eauto.
+ cbn. lia.
Lemma tpath_tag_take_r_eq p i q j t h n
(Hpath : TPath (q,j) (p,i) t)
(Hincl : forall r, r ∈ map fst t -> loop_contains h r)
(Hdep : depth h = n)
: take_r (n-1) j = take_r (n-1) i.
Lemma taglt_take_r_taglt i j n
(Hlt : take_r n i ◁ take_r n j)
(Hlen : | i | = | j |)
: i ◁ j.
remember (|i| - n) as m.
revert n i j Hlt Hlen Heqm.
induction m;intros.
- do 2 (rewrite take_r_geq in Hlt;[|lia]). auto.
- destruct i;[cbn in Heqm;lia|].
destruct j;[cbn in Hlen;lia|].
cbn in Hlen. replace (|n0 :: i|) with (S (|i|)) in Heqm by (cbn;auto).
eapply IHm;auto.
+ do 2 (rewrite take_r_cons_drop in Hlt;[|lia]).
+ lia.
Lemma tagle_neq_taglt (i j : Tag)
: i ⊴ j -> i <> j -> i ◁ j.
intros. destruct H;[assumption|contradiction].
Lemma tagle_take_r i j n
(Htagle : i ⊴ j)
: take_r n i ⊴ take_r n j.
destruct Htagle.
- induction H.
+ decide (n <= |i|).
* erewrite take_r_cons_replace;eauto. reflexivity.
* rewrite take_r_geq. 2: cbn;lia.
rewrite take_r_geq. 2: cbn;lia.
left. econstructor;eauto.
+ decide (n <= |i|).
* do 2 (rewrite take_r_cons_drop;eauto).
erewrite <-Taglt_len;eauto.
* do 2 (rewrite take_r_geq;[|cbn;try lia]).
2: erewrite <-Taglt_len;eauto;lia.
- subst. reflexivity.
Lemma taglt_leq i j m n
(Htaglt : take_r m j ◁ take_r m i)
(Hleq : m <= n)
(Hleni : n <= |i|)
(Hlenj : n <= |j|)
: take_r n j ◁ take_r n i.
eapply taglt_take_r_taglt.
- do 2 (rewrite take_r_take_r_leq;eauto).
- decide (n <= |i|).
+ do 2 (rewrite take_r_length_le;[|auto;lia]). reflexivity.
+ do 2 (rewrite take_r_length_ge;[|auto;lia]). lia.
Lemma taglt_cons i j n
: n :: i ◁ n :: j <-> i ◁ j.
- intros. inv H.
+ lia.
+ auto.
- intros. econstructor. auto.
Lemma taglt_tagle (i j : Tag)
: i ◁ j -> i ⊴ j.
intros. left. auto.
Lemma loop_contains_depth_lt h p
(Hloop : loop_contains h p)
: depth p > 0.
unfold depth.
match goal with |- length ?x > 0 => enough (x <> []) end.
- enough (depth p <> 0). 1:unfold depth in *;lia.
contradict H.
eapply length_zero_iff_nil. eauto.
- intro N. eapply filter_nil;eauto.
Lemma succ_in_tpath_tcfg_edge
: forall (p q : Lab) (i j : Tag) (t : list Coord) (a b : Coord),
TPath a b t -> (p, i) ≻ (q, j) | t -> tcfg_edge (q,j) (p,i).
(* PROVEME (analogous to below lemma) *)
(* TODO: remove (after proof is adjusted to above lemma) *)
Lemma succ_in_tpath_eff_tag p q i j t a b
(Hpath : TPath a b t)
(Hsucc : (p,i) ≻ (q,j) | t)
: eff_tag q p j = Some i.
unfold succ_in in Hsucc. destructH.
revert dependent t. revert b. induction l2; cbn in *; intros.
- rewrite Hsucc in Hpath. unfold TPath in Hpath. destruct b.
inversion Hpath. subst. destruct b. inversion H3;subst;destruct H5;eauto.
- destruct t. 1: inversion Hpath.
inversion Hsucc. subst. inversion Hpath;subst. 1: congruence'.
Lemma ex_pre_header s k h i t
(Hhead : loop_head h)
(Hpath : TPath (s,k) (h,0 :: i) t)
(Hncont : ~ loop_contains h s)
: exists pre, (pre, i) ∈ t /\ (pre,i) -t> (h,0 :: i) /\ entry_edge pre h.
inv_path Hpath.
- exfalso. eapply Hncont. eauto using loop_contains_self.
- clear Hncont.
destruct x as [q j].
assert (Hedge := H0).
destruct H0.
unfold eff_tag in H1.
decide (q --> h); try easy.
destruct (edge_Edge e).
+ exfalso. eapply basic_edge_no_loop2; try eassumption.
+ destruct j; inv H1.
+ inv H1. exists q. split; [| firstorder ].
right. eauto using path_contains_front.
+ destruct e0. exfalso. eapply no_exit_head; try eassumption.
End cfg.