Require Export Tagged LastCommon Disjoint SplitsT.
Parameter rel_splits : forall `{redCFG}, Lab -> Lab -> list Lab.
Parameter rel_splits_spec
: forall `{redCFG} p u s, s ∈ rel_splits p u <->
exists h e, e -a>* p /\ loop_contains h u /\ exited h e /\ s ∈ splitsT e.
Parameter rel_splits : forall `{redCFG}, Lab -> Lab -> list Lab.
Parameter rel_splits_spec
: forall `{redCFG} p u s, s ∈ rel_splits p u <->
exists h e, e -a>* p /\ loop_contains h u /\ exited h e /\ s ∈ splitsT e.
Lemma path_nlrcons_edge {A : Type} (a b c : A) l f
(Hpath : Path f b c (l :r: a :r: b))
: f b a.
revert dependent c.
induction l; intros; inversion Hpath; subst; cbn in *.
- inversion H3. subst b0 b;auto. inversion H5.
- congruence'.
- eauto.
Lemma lc_nil1 {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} l1 l2 l2' (x : A)
(Hlc : last_common' l1 l2 [] l2' x)
: Some x = hd_error l1.
unfold last_common' in Hlc. destructH.
cbn in *.
destruct l1;[inversion Hlc0;congruence'|].
eapply postfix_hd_eq;eauto.
Lemma lc_cons1 {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} l1 l2 l1' l2' (x y : A)
(Hlc : last_common' l1 l2 (x :: l1') l2' y)
: Some x = hd_error l1.
unfold last_common' in Hlc. destructH.
destruct l1;[inversion Hlc0;congruence'|].
rewrite cons_rcons_assoc in Hlc0.
eapply postfix_hd_eq;eauto.
Lemma lc_succ_rt1 {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} l1 l2 l1' l2' (x y : A)
(Hlc : last_common' l1 l2 l1' l2' x)
(Hin : y ∈ l1')
: y ≻* x | l1.
unfold last_common' in Hlc. destructH.
eapply splinter_postfix;eauto.
eapply splinter_rev. cbn. rewrite rev_rcons. econstructor. econstructor.
eapply splinter_single. rewrite <-In_rev. auto.
Lemma lc_succ_rt2 (A : Type) `{EqDec A eq} (l1 l2 l1' l2' : list A) (a b c : A)
(Hlc : last_common' l1 l2 l1' l2' a)
(Hnd : NoDup l2)
(Hsucc : b ≻* c | l2)
(Hel : c ∈ l2')
: b ∈ l2'.
unfold last_common' in Hlc. destructH.
eapply splinter_in in Hsucc as Hel'.
eapply postfix_eq in Hlc2. destructH.
rewrite <-app_cons_assoc in Hlc2.
setoid_rewrite Hlc2 in Hsucc.
eapply succ_NoDup_app in Hsucc;eauto.
setoid_rewrite <-Hlc2;eauto.
Lemma lc_succ_rt_eq_lc {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} l1 l2 l1' l2' (x y : A)
(Hlc : last_common' l1 l2 l1' l2' x)
(Hsucc1 : y ≻* x | l1)
(Hsucc2 : y ≻* x | l2)
(Hnd1 : NoDup l1)
(Hnd2 : NoDup l2)
: x = y.
unfold last_common' in Hlc. destructH.
dependent induction Hsucc1.
- clear IHHsucc1.
destruct l1';cbn in Hlc0; eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc0; eauto.
subst a.
dependent induction Hsucc2.
+ destruct l2';cbn in Hlc2; eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc2; eauto. subst.
exfalso. eapply Hlc1;left; reflexivity.
+ destruct l2';cbn in Hlc2; eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc2 as Heq; eauto.
* subst a.
eapply splinter_cons in Hsucc2. exfalso. eapply splinter_in in Hsucc2. inversion Hnd2. auto.
* eapply IHHsucc2 with (l2':=l2') ; eauto.
-- eapply cons_postfix;eauto.
-- clear - Hlc1. eapply disjoint_cons2 in Hlc1. firstorder.
-- inversion Hnd2. auto.
- destruct l1';cbn in Hlc0; eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc0 as Heq; eauto.
+ subst a.
eapply splinter_cons in Hsucc1. eapply splinter_in in Hsucc1. inversion Hnd1. subst. contradiction.
+ eapply IHHsucc1 with (l1':=l1');eauto.
* eapply cons_postfix;eauto.
* eapply disjoint_cons1 in Hlc1. firstorder.
* inversion Hnd1. auto.