
Require Export Precedes CFGancestor TcfgqMonotone TcfgDet TcfgDom.

Require Import Lia MaxPreSuffix CncLoop.

Section tagged.

  Context `{C : redCFG}.

  Notation "pi -t> qj" := (tcfg_edge pi qj) (at level 50).

  Hint Resolve tcfg_edge_spec : tcfg.

Lemmas about TCFGs

Lemma exit_edge_tcfg_edge (h p q : Lab) (j : Tag)
      (Hexit : exit_edge h q p)
  : (q,j) -t> (p,tl j).
  cbn. copy Hexit Hexit'.
  unfold exit_edge in Hexit. destructH.
  unfold eff_tag. decide (edge__P q p);|contradiction.
  unfold eff_tag'.
  destruct (edge_Edge e);auto.
  1-3: exfalso.
  - eapply Hexit2. unfold basic_edge in b. destructH. rewrite <-b0. auto.
  - eapply back_edge_eq_loop in b. destruct b. eapply Hexit2. eauto.
  - eapply deq_loop_entry in e0. eapply Hexit2. eauto.

(* possibly unused
Lemma exit_succ_exiting (p q h e : Lab) (k i j : Tag) r
      (Hpath : TPath (p,k) (q,j) (r :r: (p,k)))
      (Hexit : exited h e)
      (Hel : (e,i) ∈ r)
  : exists qe n, exit_edge h qe e /\ (e,i) ≻ (qe,n :: i) | r :r: (p,k).

  Lemma prec_tpath_pre_tpath p i q j l
        (Hneq : p <> q)
        (Htr : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) ((p, i) :: l))
        (Hprec : Precedes fst l (q, j))
    : exists l', TPath (root,start_tag) (q,j) ((q,j) :: l') /\ Prefix ((q,j) :: l') ((p,i) :: l).
    eapply path_to_elem with (r:= (q,j)) in Htr.
    - destructH. exists (tl ϕ).
      assert (ϕ = (q,j) :: tl ϕ) as ϕeq.
      { inversion Htr0;subst a;cbn;eauto. }
      + rewrite ϕeq in Htr0;eauto.
      + rewrite ϕeq in Htr1;eauto.
    - eapply precedes_in. econstructor;eauto;cbn;eauto.

  Lemma prec_tpath_tpath p i q j l
        (Htr : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) ((p, i) :: l))
        (Hprec : Precedes fst ((p,i) :: l) (q, j))
    : exists l', TPath (root,start_tag) (q,j) ((q,j) :: l').
    inversion Hprec;subst.
    - firstorder.
    - eapply prec_tpath_pre_tpath in Htr;eauto. destructH. eauto.

  Lemma precedes_fst_same_tag {A B : Type} `{EqDec B} (p : A) (i j : B) l
        (Hprec1 : Precedes fst l (p,i))
        (Hprec2 : Precedes fst l (p,j))
    : i = j.
    clear edge root a_edge C.
    dependent induction Hprec1.
    - inversion Hprec2;subst;[reflexivity|]. cbn in H2; contradiction.
    - inversion Hprec2;subst.
      + cbn in H0;contradiction.
      + eapply IHHprec1;eauto.

  Lemma tpath_tag_len_eq p j1 j2 l1 l2
        (Hpath1 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, j1) l1)
        (Hpath2 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, j2) l2)
    : length j1 = length j2.
    eapply tag_depth' in Hpath1.
    eapply tag_depth' in Hpath2.
    rewrite Hpath1,Hpath2. reflexivity.

  Lemma tpath_tag_len_eq_elem p q i1 i2 j1 j2 l1 l2
        (Hpath1 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, i1) l1)
        (Hpath2 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, i2) l2)
        (Hin1 : (q,j1) l1)
        (Hin2 : (q,j2) l2)
    : length j1 = length j2.
    eapply path_to_elem in Hin1;eauto.
    eapply path_to_elem in Hin2;eauto.
    do 2 destructH.
    eapply tpath_tag_len_eq in Hin0;eauto.

  Lemma dom_tpath_prec p q i l
        (Hdom : Dom edge__P root q p)
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) l)
    : exists j, Precedes fst l (q,j).
  Proof. (* used in uniana *)
    (* FIXME *)
    eapply TPath_CPath in Hpath as Hpath'.
    cbn in Hpath'.
    eapply Hdom in Hpath'.
    clear Hdom.
    revert p i Hpath.
    induction l;intros.
    - contradiction.
    - inv_path Hpath.
      + cbn in Hpath'. destruct Hpath';[subst|contradiction]. eexists. econstructor.
      + cbn in Hpath'. decide (p = q).
        * eexists. subst. econstructor.
        * destruct Hpath';[contradiction|].
          exploit' IHl. destruct x. specialize (IHl e t). exploit IHl. destructH.
          eexists. econstructor;eauto.

  Lemma tag_prefix_head h p i j l
        (Hloop : loop_contains h p)
        (Hpath : TPath (root, start_tag) (p,i) l)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst l (h,j))
    : Prefix j i.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *)
    assert (| i | = depth p) as Hpdep.
    { eapply tag_depth_unroot in Hpath;eauto. cbn. symmetry. eapply depth_root. }
    eapply precedes_in in Hprec as Hin.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hin as ;eauto. destructH.
    assert (| j | = depth h) as Hhdep.
    { eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hϕ0;eauto. }
    eapply loop_contains_deq_loop in Hloop as Hdeq.
    eapply deq_loop_depth in Hdeq as Hdepth.
    copy Hdepth Hlenleq.
    rewrite <-Hhdep, <-Hpdep in Hlenleq.
    eapply tagle_monotone with (n:=|j|) in Hϕ0 as Hmon.
    - rewrite take_r_self in Hmon. destruct Hmon.
      + exfalso.
        eapply path_to_elem in Hin as Hπ;eauto. destructH.
        eapply path_app' in Hϕ0 as π;eauto.
        eapply loop_tag_dom with (h0:=h) (j0:=take_r (|j|) i) in π;eauto.
        2: { rewrite Hhdep. unfold sub_tag. split_conj;eauto. }
        2: { rewrite take_r_length_le;eauto. }
        eapply in_app_or in π. destruct π.
        * eapply tpath_NoDup in Hpath as Hnd.
          destr_r' ϕ. 1: subst;inv Hϕ0. subst. path_simpl' Hϕ0.
          eapply In_rcons in H0. destruct H0.
          1: { inv H0. rewrite H2 in H. eapply Taglt_irrefl;eauto. }
          clear - H0 Hprec Hpath Hϕ0 Hϕ1 Hnd.
          eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1. destructH. subst l.
          eapply precedes_app_drop in Hprec. 2: { cbn. rewrite map_rcons. eapply In_rcons. cbn;eauto. }
          eapply NoDup_app_drop in Hnd.
          eapply precedes_rcons in Hprec. 2:eauto. 2:eauto. cbn in Hprec. eauto.
        * inv_path Hπ0. 1: cbn in H0;contradiction.
          eapply in_tl_in in H0.
          eapply path_from_elem in H0;eauto. destructH.
          eapply tagle_monotone with (n:=|j|) in H3.
          -- rewrite take_r_self in H3. rewrite take_r_take_r_leq in H3;eauto.
             eapply Taglt_irrefl. eapply taglt_tagle_trans;eauto.
          -- rewrite take_r_length_le;eauto.
          -- reflexivity.
          -- reflexivity.
          -- eauto.
      + eapply prefix_take_r;eauto.
    - eauto.
    - reflexivity.
    - eapply Hdeq.
    - eauto.

  Lemma root_tag_nil p i j l
        (HPath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) l)
        (Hin : (root,j) l)
    : j = nil.
    revert dependent p. revert i.
    induction l;intros.
    - inversion HPath. (*subst a0 p i a. cbn in Hin. destruct Hin;|contradiction.
      inversion H;subst. eauto.*)

    - destruct a. cbn in Hin.
      destruct Hin.
      + inversion H. subst. inversion HPath.
        * reflexivity.
        * exfalso.
          subst a c p i π. destruct b.
          eapply root_no_pred. eapply tcfg_edge_spec; eauto.
      + inversion HPath.
        * subst l. contradiction.
        * destruct b. eapply IHl;eauto.

  Lemma tag_prefix_ancestor a p q i j l
        (Hanc : ancestor a p q)
        (Hpath : TPath (root, start_tag) (p,i) l)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst l (a,j))
    : Prefix j i.
    unfold ancestor in Hanc.
    destruct Hanc as [[Hanc _]|Hanc]; [eapply tag_prefix_head|subst a];eauto.
    replace j with (@nil nat);[eapply prefix_nil|].
    symmetry; eapply root_tag_nil;eauto using precedes_in.

  Hint Unfold Coord.

  Lemma tag_prefix_ancestor_elem a p q r i j k l
        (Hanc : ancestor a p q)
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (r,k) ((r,k) :: l))
        (Hprec : Precedes fst ((r,k) :: l) (a,j))
        (Hib : (p,i) ≻* (a,j) | (r,k) :: l)
    : Prefix j i.
    eapply splinter_in in Hib as Hin.
    eapply path_to_elem in Hin;eauto. destructH.
    decide (i = j).
    { subst. reflexivity. }
    eapply tag_prefix_ancestor;eauto.
    eapply path_contains_front in Hin0 as Hfront.
    eapply tpath_NoDup in Hin0.
    eapply tpath_NoDup in Hpath.
    clear - Hprec Hib Hin1 Hpath Hin0 n Hfront. set (l' := (r,k) :: l) in *.
    eapply prefix_eq in Hin1. destructH.
    revert dependent l'. revert dependent ϕ. induction l2';intros.
    - cbn in Hin1. rewrite Hin1 in Hprec. eauto.
    - destruct l'. 1: inversion Hprec.
      inversion Hin1.
      eapply IHl2'. 6:eauto. 1,2:eauto.
      + inversion Hpath. subst. eauto.
      + inversion Hprec;subst.
        * exfalso.
          inversion Hib; subst. 1: contradiction.
          inversion Hpath. subst.
          eapply splinter_cons in H1. eapply splinter_in in H1. contradiction.
        * eauto.
      + subst. clear Hin1. inversion Hib;subst.
        * exfalso.
          inversion Hpath;subst.
          eapply H2.
          eapply in_or_app. right;auto.
        * eauto.

  Lemma first_occ_tag n2 j j1 j2 p t
        (Htag : j = j1 ++ (n2 :: j2))
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,j) t)
    : exists h, loop_contains h p /\ Precedes fst t (h,n2 :: j2).
  Proof. (* used below *)
    eapply tag_depth' in Hpath as Hdep.
    assert (| n2 :: j2 | <= depth p) as Hleq.
    { rewrite Htag in Hdep. rewrite app_length in Hdep. cbn in Hdep. cbn. lia. }
    eapply ex_depth_head in Hleq;eauto. 2: cbn;lia.
    exists h. split;auto. symmetry in Hleq1.
    eapply loop_tag_dom_prec in Hleq1;eauto.
    eapply prefix_eq. eexists;eauto.

  Lemma first_occ_tag_elem i j j1 n2 j2 p q t
        (Htag : j = j1 ++ (n2 :: j2))
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) t)
        (Hdom : Dom edge__P root q p)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst t (q, j))
    : exists h, loop_contains h q /\ Precedes fst t (h,n2 :: j2) /\ (q,j) ≻* (h, n2 :: j2) | t.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *)
    eapply precedes_in in Hprec as Hin.
    eapply path_to_elem in Hpath as ;eauto. destructH.
    eapply first_occ_tag in Hϕ0 as Hocc;eauto. destructH.
    exists h. split_conj;eauto.
    - eapply prefix_eq in Hϕ1. destructH. subst t.
      eapply precedes_app_nin;eauto. intro N.
      eapply in_fst in N. destructH.
      eapply dom_trans with (h:=h) in Hdom;eauto;cycle 1.
      + eapply path_to_elem in Hpath. 2: { eapply in_or_app. left. eapply N. } destructH.
        eexists. eapply TPath_CPath in Hpath0. cbn in Hpath0. eapply Hpath0.
      + eapply dom_loop;eauto.
      + destr_r' l2'; subst. 1: contradiction.
        assert (Postfix (l :r: x) (l :r: x ++ ϕ)) as Hpost.
        { eapply postfix_eq. exists ϕ. reflexivity. }
        eapply path_postfix_path in Hpost as Hπ;eauto.
        eapply path_from_elem in Hπ;eauto. destructH.
        eapply TPath_CPath in Hπ0 as Hπ0'. cbn in Hπ0'.
        eapply Hdom in Hπ0'.
        eapply in_fst in Hπ0'. destructH.
        assert (b0 <> j1 ++ n2 :: j2).
          decide (b0 = j1 ++ n2 :: j2);[intro M;subst|eauto].
          eapply tpath_NoDup in Hpath.
          eapply NoDup_app in Hpath.
          - eapply Hpath. eapply path_contains_front;eauto.
          - eapply postfix_incl;eauto.
        inv_path Hϕ0. 1: { unfold start_tag in H2. destruct j1;cbn in H2;congruence. }
        rewrite app_cons_assoc in Hprec.
        eapply precedes_app_drop in Hprec. 2: { cbn. rewrite map_app. eapply in_or_app. right. cbn. eauto. }
        eapply precedes_rcons.
        * eapply Hprec.
        * eapply NoDup_app_drop. rewrite <-app_cons_assoc. eapply tpath_NoDup;eauto.
        * eapply postfix_incl;eauto.
        * cbn. reflexivity.
    - eapply precedes_in in Hocc1.
      eapply splinter_prefix;eauto.
      destruct ϕ;[contradiction|]. path_simpl' Hϕ0.
      econstructor. eapply splinter_single;eauto.

  Lemma ancestor_level_connector p q a i j k t
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) t)
        (Hin : (q,j) t)
        (Hanc : near_ancestor a p q)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst t (a,k))
        (Hib : (q,j) ≻* (a,k) | t)
    : exists a', Precedes fst t (a',k) /\ (p,i) ≻* (a',k) ≻* (q,j) | t.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *)
    (* a' = pre-header of ocnc_loop _ p q *)
    (* FIXME *)
    eapply tag_depth' in Hpath as Hdepp;eauto.
    eapply precedes_in in Hprec as Hain. eapply path_from_elem in Hain as ;eauto. destructH.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hϕ0 as Hdepa;eauto.
    destruct Hanc.
    eapply ancestor_deq_loop1 in H as Hdeqp.
    eapply ancestor_deq_loop2 in H as Hdeqq.
    eapply tpath_deq_no_haed_tag_eq' with (q1:=a) in Hϕ0 as Htake;eauto.
    2: { eapply tag_prefix_ancestor in H;eauto.
         eapply tcfg_prefix_deq in Hϕ0;eauto.
    2: { eapply tag_prefix_ancestor in H;eauto.
         eapply in_fst in H1. destructH.
         eapply tcfg_prefix_no_back in Hϕ0;eauto.
    setoid_rewrite take_r_geq in Htake at 2;[|lia].
    decide (deq_loop a p).
    - rewrite take_r_geq in Htake.
      2: { rewrite Hdepp. unfold ">=". eapply deq_loop_depth;eauto. }
      subst i.
      exists p. split.
      + inv_path Hpath;econstructor.
      + eapply succ_rt_combine.
        * eapply tpath_NoDup;eauto.
        * inv_path Hpath.
          -- destruct Hin;[|contradiction]. inv H1. eapply succ_rt_refl;eauto.
          -- econstructor. eapply splinter_single. eauto.
        * eapply succ_rt_refl. eapply path_contains_front;eauto.
    - eapply ex_ocnc_loop in n as Hocnc;eauto.
      eapply ocnc_depth in Hocnc as Hhdep.
      unfold ocnc_loop, cnc_loop in *. destructH.
      assert (~ loop_contains h a) as Hnloop
          by (contradict Hocnc3;eauto using loop_contains_deq_loop).
      assert (~ loop_contains h q) as Hnloopq.
      { contradict Hnloop. eauto. }
      eapply path_from_elem in Hin as Hπ;eauto. destructH.
      eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hπ0 as Hdepq;eauto.
      eapply deq_loop_depth in Hdeqp as Hdep_leq.
      eapply ex_entry with (k0:=take_r (depth a) i) in Hnloopq as Hentry. 3: eapply Hπ0. all:auto.
      2: { eapply take_take_r with (n:=|i| - depth a). lia. }
      2: { rewrite take_r_length_le. 2:lia. lia. }
      eapply path_to_elem in Hentry as ;eauto. destructH.
      eapply prefix_eq in Hη1. destructH.
      subst ϕ0. inv_path Hη0.
      { exfalso. eapply Hnloopq. eauto using loop_contains_self, loop_contains_loop_head. }
      destruct x.
      assert (entry_edge e h) as Heentry.
      { eapply tcfg_entry;eauto. eapply loop_contains_loop_head;eauto. }
      assert (l = take_r (depth a) i).
      { eapply tag_entry_iff in Heentry. 2:eauto. inv Heentry. reflexivity. }
      subst l.
      exists e.
      destruct π. 1: inv H1. path_simpl' H1.
      eapply path_split2 in Hπ0 as Hl.
      assert (forall x k, (x,k) (l2' :r: (h, 0 :: take_r (depth a) i)) -> x <> e).
        intros x k Hinx Heq. subst x.
        assert (depth h <= | i |) as Hdepthhi.
        { rewrite Hdepp. eapply deq_loop_depth. eapply loop_contains_deq_loop;eauto. }
        assert (| 0 :: take_r (depth a) i | = depth h) as Hhlen.
        { cbn. rewrite take_r_length_le;eauto. lia. }
        eapply tcfg_subtag_deq with (q0:=h) (x:=e) in Hl.
        - destruct Heentry. destructH. eapply H5. eapply Hl. eapply loop_contains_self;eauto.
        - eapply loop_contains_deq_loop;eauto.
        - unfold sub_tag. split_conj.
          + rewrite take_r_length_le; eauto.
          + cbn. lia.
          + cbn. rewrite take_r_tl_eq.
            rewrite take_r_take_r_leq.
            * rewrite take_r_length_le. 2:lia. rewrite Hhdep.
              replace (S (depth a) - 1) with (depth a) by lia. reflexivity.
            * rewrite take_r_length_le. lia. auto.
        - auto.
        - eapply in_map with (f:= fst ) in Hinx. eauto.
      remember (l2' :r: (h, 0 :: take_r (depth a) i)) as l3 in *.
      + eapply postfix_precedes;eauto.
        rewrite app_cons_rcons. rewrite <-Heql3.
        clear - H3. induction l3.
        * cbn. econstructor.
        * cbn. econstructor.
          -- cbn. destruct a0. cbn. eapply H3;eauto.
          -- eauto.
      + eapply splinter_postfix;eauto.
        rewrite app_cons_rcons. rewrite <-Heql3.
        destruct l3. 1: inv Hl. path_simpl' Hl.
        assert ((q,j) ((e, take_r (depth a) i) :: π)) as qπ.
        { eapply path_contains_back in H1;eauto. }
        clear - H3 qπ. cbn. eapply splinter_lr.
        induction l3;cbn.
        * destruct qπ.
          -- econstructor. rewrite H. econstructor. eapply splinter_nil.
          -- eapply splinter_lr. eapply splinter_single;eauto.
        * econstructor. eapply IHl3;eauto. intros. eapply H3;eauto.
          destruct H;[left;eauto|right;right;eauto].

  Lemma find_loop_exit h a p i j k n l
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) l)
        (Hpre : Prefix k j)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst l (h, n :: j))
        (Hib : (a,k) ≻* (h, n :: j) | l)
        (Hloop : loop_head h)
    : exists qe e, (a,k) ≻* (e,j) ≻* (qe,n :: j) ≻* (h, n :: j) | l /\ (e,j) (qe,n :: j) | l /\ exit_edge h qe e.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *) (* only find_div_br *)
    (* inductively look for the exit *)
    eapply succ_rt_prefix in Hib as Hprf. destructH.
    clear Hib.
    eapply path_prefix_path in Hprf0 as Hπ;eauto.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hprf1;eauto. destructH.
    enough (exists qe e : Lab, (e, j) (qe, n :: j) | ϕ /\ exit_edge h qe e).
    { destructH. exists qe, e. split_conj.
      - eapply splinter_prefix;eauto. econstructor.
        destr_r' ϕ;subst. 1:inv Hprf2. path_simpl' Hprf2.
        eapply splinter_postfix;eauto.
        replace ([(e, j); (qe, n :: j); (h, n :: j)]) with (((e, j) :: [(qe, n :: j)]) ++ [(h, n :: j)]).
        2: cbn;eauto.
        eapply SplinterAux.splinter_rcons_left.
        eapply succ_in_succ_rt;eauto.
      - eapply prefix_succ_in;eauto. eapply postfix_succ_in;eauto.
      - eauto.
    assert (Precedes fst ϕ (h, n :: j)) as Hprecϕ.
      eapply postfix_eq in Hprf3.
      eapply prefix_eq in Hprf0. do 2 destructH.
      rewrite Hprf3 in Hprf0. subst l.
      eapply precedes_app_nin2 in Hprec.
      - eapply precedes_app_drop in Hprec.
        + eauto.
        + eapply in_map. eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
      - eapply tpath_NoDup in Hpath.
        intro N.
        eapply NoDup_app;eauto.
        eapply in_or_app. left.
        eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
    eapply tag_depth' in Hπ as Hdepa.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hprf2 as Hdeph;eauto.
    clear Hprf3 Hπ Hprf0 Hprec Hpath Hdepa.
    revert Hdeph Hprecϕ a k Hpre Hprf2.
    specialize (well_founded_ind (R:=(@StrictPrefix' Coord)) (@StrictPrefix_well_founded Coord)
                                 (fun ϕ : list Coord => | n :: j | = depth h ->
                                                     Precedes fst ϕ (h, n :: j) ->
                                                   forall (a : Lab) (k : list nat),
                                                     Prefix k j ->
                                                     Path tcfg_edge (h, n :: j) (a, k) ϕ ->
                                                     exists qe e : Lab, (e, j) (qe, n :: j) | ϕ
                                                        /\ exit_edge h qe e))
      as WFind.
    eapply WFind. clear WFind.
    intros x IHwf Hdeph Hprec a k Hpre Hpath.
    inv_path Hpath.
    1: { exfalso. eapply prefix_cycle;eauto. }
    destruct x0.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot in H as Hdepe;eauto.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot in Hpath as Hdepa;eauto.
    eapply tcfg_edge_destruct' in H0.
    destruct H0 as [H0|[H0|[H0|H0]]].
    all: destruct H0 as [Htag Hedge]. 1,2:subst.
    - specialize IHwf with (y:=π)(a:=e)(k:=t). exploit' IHwf. econstructor. econstructor.
      inv Hprec. 1: eapply prefix_cycle in Hpre; contradiction.
      exploit IHwf. destructH. eexists. eexists. split;eauto. eapply succ_cons. eauto.
    - specialize IHwf with (y:=π)(a:=e)(k:=t). exploit' IHwf. econstructor. econstructor.
      inv Hprec. 1: eapply prefix_cycle in Hpre;contradiction.
      eapply prefix_cons in Hpre.
      exploit IHwf. destructH. do 2 eexists. split;eauto. eapply succ_cons. eauto.
    - decide (deq_loop h a).
      + exfalso. eapply tagle_monotone in H;eauto.
        * subst k. eapply prefix_eq in Hpre. destructH. subst j.
          destruct t.
          { cbn in Hdepe. eapply loop_contains_ledge in Hedge.
            eapply loop_contains_depth_lt in Hedge. lia. }
          setoid_rewrite take_r_geq in H at 2.
          2: { rewrite <-Hdepa. cbn. eauto. }
          cbn in H.
          rewrite app_comm_cons in H. rewrite take_r_app_eq in H;eauto.
          destruct H.
          -- dependent destruction H. 1:lia. eapply Taglt_irrefl;eauto.
          -- inv H. lia.
        * eapply back_edge_eq_loop in Hedge. destruct Hedge;eassumption.
      + (* search for entry of a. the pre-headers tag is still a prefix -> IH *)
        destruct t.
        { cbn in Hdepe. eapply loop_contains_ledge in Hedge.
          eapply loop_contains_depth_lt in Hedge. lia. }
        eapply ex_entry with (j':=[n1]) (k0:=t) in H as Hentry.
        2: eapply loop_contains_ledge;eauto.
        2: contradict n0;eauto using loop_contains_deq_loop.
        2: eauto.
        2: cbn;reflexivity.
        2: { subst k. cbn in Hdepa. lia. }
        eapply path_to_elem in Hentry;eauto. destructH.
        inv_path Hentry0.
        { exfalso. eapply n0. reflexivity. }
        destruct x.
        eapply tcfg_entry in H1 as Heentry. 2: eauto using loop_contains_ledge,loop_contains_loop_head.
        eapply tag_entry_iff in Heentry;eauto. inv Heentry. rename l0 into t.
        specialize IHwf with (y:=π0) (a:=e0) (k:=t). exploit IHwf.
        * cbn. econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hentry1.
        * eapply precedes_prefix_NoDup;eauto.
          -- econstructor. eapply prefix_cons;eauto.
          -- eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
          -- eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
        * cbn in Hpre. eapply prefix_cons;eauto.
        * destructH. exists qe, e1. split;eauto.
          eapply prefix_succ_in. 2:eauto.
          econstructor. eapply prefix_cons;eauto.
    - decide (deq_loop h e).
      + decide (deq_loop e h).
        * (* done *)
          destruct Hedge.
          assert (x = h) as Hxh.
          { eapply eq_loop_same.
            - eapply eq_loop_exiting in H0. rewrite H0. split;eauto.
            - destruct H0. eapply loop_contains_loop_head;eauto.
            - eauto.
          subst x.
          inv Hprec.
          { exfalso. destruct H0. destruct H1. eapply H1.
            eauto using loop_contains_self,loop_contains_loop_head. }
          eapply tpath_prec_innermost_eq in H5;eauto using exit_edge_innermost.
          exists e, a. split;eauto.
          destruct t;[congruence|].
          inv H5.
          cbn in *.
          destruct π. 1: inv H. path_simpl' H.
          exists π, nil. cbn. reflexivity.
        * destruct t;[exfalso|].
          { cbn in Hdepe. destruct Hedge. destruct H0. eapply loop_contains_depth_lt in H0. lia. }
          cbn in Htag. subst t.
          specialize (tcfg_reachability Hdeph) as Hreach. destructH.
          eapply path_app' in H as HHreach;eauto.
          unfold eexit_edge in Hedge. destructH.
          eapply prefix_eq in Hpre as Hpre'. destructH.
          destr_r' l2';subst.
          { eapply deq_loop_depth_eq in d;[contradiction|]. rewrite <-Hdepe, <-Hdeph. cbn. reflexivity. }
          eapply eq_loop_exiting in Hedge as Hexeq.
          assert (x <= n1) as Hleq.
            eapply tagle_monotone with (h1:=h0) (n2:=depth h0) in H;eauto.
            - setoid_rewrite take_r_geq in H at 2. 2: { rewrite Hexeq. lia. }
              rewrite <-app_assoc in H. rewrite app_comm_cons in H. rewrite take_r_app_eq in H.
              2: { cbn. rewrite Hexeq. rewrite <-Hdepe. cbn. reflexivity. }
              cbn in H. destruct H.
              + dependent destruction H;[lia|]. exfalso. eapply Taglt_irrefl;eauto.
              + inv H. reflexivity.
            - rewrite Hexeq. eauto.
            - destruct Hexeq;eauto.
          eapply le_lt_or_eq in Hleq. destruct Hleq as [Hlt|Heq];[|subst x].
          -- (* jump to back_edge *)
            eapply loop_tag_dom with (h1:=h0) (j:=(S x) :: k) in HHreach.
            ++ eapply in_app_or in HHreach. destruct HHreach as [HHreach|HHreach];[|exfalso].
               ** eapply path_to_elem in HHreach;eauto. destructH. inv_path HHreach0.
                  { exfalso. clear - H3. eapply lengthEq in H3.
                    do 2 rewrite app_length in H3. cbn in H3. lia. }
                  destruct x0.
                  eapply tcfg_head_back in H1. subst t0.
                  2: destruct Hedge; eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
                  specialize IHwf with (y:=π0) (a:=e0) (k0:= x :: k).
                  exploit IHwf.
                  --- econstructor. econstructor. eauto.
                  --- eapply precedes_prefix_NoDup;eauto.
                      +++ eapply prefix_cons;econstructor;eauto.
                      +++ eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
                      +++ eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
                  --- eapply prefix_eq. exists l0. rewrite <-app_assoc. cbn. reflexivity.
                  --- destructH. exists qe, e1. split;eauto.
                      eapply prefix_succ_in;eauto. econstructor. eapply prefix_cons. eauto.
               ** eapply path_from_elem in Hreach;eauto. 2: eapply tl_incl;eauto.
                  eapply tagle_monotone with (h1:=h0) in Hreach0;eauto. 3:reflexivity.
                  --- rewrite take_r_geq in Hreach0.
                      2: { cbn. rewrite Hexeq. cbn in Hdepe. lia. }
                      rewrite <-app_assoc in Hreach0. rewrite app_comm_cons in Hreach0.
                      rewrite take_r_app_eq in Hreach0.
                      2: { cbn. rewrite Hexeq. cbn in Hdepe. lia. }
                      cbn in Hreach0.
                      destruct Hreach0.
                      +++ dependent destruction H0. lia. eapply Taglt_irrefl;eauto.
                      +++ inv H0. lia.
                  --- cbn. rewrite Hexeq. cbn in Hdepe. lia.
                  --- rewrite Hexeq. eauto.
            ++ destruct Hedge. eauto.
            ++ rewrite take_r_geq. 2: { rewrite Hexeq. lia. }
               unfold sub_tag. cbn; split_conj;eauto.
            ++ cbn. rewrite Hexeq. cbn in Hdepe. lia.
          -- (* step *)
            specialize IHwf with (y:=π) (a:=e) (k0:=n1 :: k).
            exploit IHwf.
            ++ econstructor. econstructor.
            ++ inv Hprec.
               { exfalso. clear - H4. eapply lengthEq in H4.
                 cbn in H4. do 2 rewrite app_length in H4. lia. }
            ++ eapply prefix_eq. eexists. rewrite <-app_assoc. cbn. reflexivity.
            ++ destructH. exists qe, e0. split_conj;eauto. eapply succ_cons;eauto.
      + (* jump over loop *)
        destruct t.
        { cbn in Hdepe. destruct Hedge. destruct H0.
          eapply loop_contains_depth_lt in H0. lia. }
        destruct Hedge.
        eapply ex_entry with (j':=[n1]) (k0:=t) in H as Hentry.
        2: destruct H0;eauto.
        2: { contradict n0. eapply eq_loop_exiting in H0. rewrite <-H0.
             eapply loop_contains_deq_loop;eauto. }
        2: eauto.
        2: cbn;reflexivity.
        2: { subst k. eapply eq_loop_exiting in H0. rewrite H0. cbn in Hdepe. lia. }
        eapply path_to_elem in Hentry;eauto. destructH.
        inv_path Hentry0.
        { exfalso. eapply eq_loop_exiting in H0. destruct H0. contradiction. }
        destruct x0.
        eapply tcfg_entry in H2 as Heentry.
        2: destruct H0;eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
        eapply tag_entry_iff in Heentry;eauto. inv Heentry. rename l0 into t.
        specialize IHwf with (y:=π0) (a:=e0) (k:=t). exploit IHwf.
        * cbn. econstructor. econstructor. eapply Hentry1.
        * eapply precedes_prefix_NoDup;eauto.
          -- econstructor. eapply prefix_cons;eauto.
          -- eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
          -- eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
        * destructH. exists qe, e1. split;eauto.
          eapply prefix_succ_in. 2:eauto.
          econstructor. eapply prefix_cons;eauto.

  Lemma tpath_deq_loop_prefix (p q x y h : Lab) (k i j l m : Tag) t
        (Hloop : loop_contains h p)
        (Hnloop : ~ loop_contains h q)
        (Hhp : (p,i) ≻* (h,k) | t)
        (Hhq : (q,j) ≻* (h,k) | t)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst t (h,k))
        (Hpath : TPath (x,l) (y,m) t)
        (Hdep : | l | = depth x)
    : (q,j) ≻* (p,i) | t.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *) (* only find_div_br *)
    (* easy using monotonicity *)
    eapply splinter_in in Hhp as Hinp.
    eapply splinter_in in Hhq as Hinq.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem in Hinp as Hdepp;eauto.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem in Hinq as Hdepq;eauto.
    assert (depth h - 1 <= | i |) as Hhi.
    { eapply loop_contains_deq_loop in Hloop. eapply deq_loop_depth in Hloop.
      eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem in Hinp;eauto. lia. }
    eapply path_from_elem in Hinq;eauto.
    eapply postfix_eq in Hinq1.
    destructH. subst t.
    eapply in_app_or in Hinp. destruct Hinp;[exfalso|].
    - eapply path_to_elem in H;eauto. destructH.
      eapply prefix_eq in H1. destructH. subst ϕ.
      assert ((h,k) l2') as Hhin.
        destr_r' ϕ0;subst. 1:inv H0. path_simpl' H0.
        rewrite <-app_assoc in Hhq.
        setoid_rewrite <-app_cons_assoc in Hhq.
        rewrite app_assoc in Hhq.
        eapply splinter_app_drop in Hhq.
        2: {
          intro N. eapply NoDup_app.
          - rewrite app_assoc in Hinq0. eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot. 1: eapply Hinq0. eauto.
          - eapply N.
          - eauto.
        eapply splinter_cons in Hhq. eapply splinter_in in Hhq.
        destruct Hhq;[|eauto].
        exfalso. inv H. eapply Hnloop. eauto using loop_contains_self,loop_contains_loop_head.
      eapply ex_entry with (k0:=take_r (depth h - 1) i) (j':=take (|i| - (depth h - 1)) i) in H0;eauto.
      + eapply precedes_app_in_nin;eauto.
        eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
      + erewrite <-take_take_r;eauto. lia.
      + rewrite take_r_length_le;eauto;lia.
    - rewrite consAppend. eapply splinter_app.
      + eapply splinter_single. eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
      + eapply splinter_single;eauto.

  Lemma dom_dom_in_between (p q r : Lab) (i j k : Tag) l
        (Hdom1 : Dom edge__P root r q)
        (Hdom2 : Dom edge__P root q p)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst ((p,i) :: l) (q,j))
        (Hin : (r,k) ((p,i) :: l))
        (Hpath : TPath (root,start_tag) (p,i) ((p,i) :: l))
    : (q,j) ≻* (r,k) | (p,i) :: l.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *) (* only find_div_br *)
    (* dom_trans is the key *)
    eapply dom_trans in Hdom2 as Hdom3;eauto.
    2: { eapply path_to_elem in Hin;eauto. destructH.
         eexists. eapply TPath_CPath in Hin0. cbn in Hin0. eauto. }
    eapply path_from_elem in Hpath as . 2:eauto.
    2: eapply precedes_in;eauto.
    eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1. destructH.
    rewrite Hϕ1 in Hin.
    eapply in_app_or in Hin. destruct Hin.
    - decide (q = r).
      + subst r. clear - Hprec H Hϕ1.
        rewrite Hϕ1 in *. clear Hϕ1.
        induction ϕ.
        * cbn in *. contradiction.
        * inv Hprec.
          -- cbn. econstructor. destruct H.
             ++ inv H. eapply splinter_lr. eapply splinter_nil.
             ++ econstructor. eapply splinter_single. eapply in_or_app. eauto.
          -- destruct a. destruct H;[exfalso;inv H;cbn in H2;contradiction|].
             cbn. econstructor. eapply IHϕ;eauto.
      + exfalso. rewrite Hϕ1 in *.
        eapply path_from_elem in H;eauto. destructH.
        eapply TPath_CPath in H0 as H0'.
        cbn in H0'. eapply Hdom3 in H0'.
        eapply postfix_eq in H1. destructH. subst ϕ.
        eapply in_fst in H0'. destructH.
        eapply precedes_app_drop in Hprec. 2: { eapply in_map. eapply path_contains_back;eauto. }
        eapply precedes_app_in_nin;eauto.
        * destr_r' l2'0;subst.
          -- cbn in *. rewrite app_nil_r in Hϕ0.
             eapply path_same_back in Hϕ0;eauto. inv Hϕ0. contradiction.
          -- rewrite app_assoc in Hϕ0. path_simpl' Hϕ0. eapply In_rcons. eauto.
        * eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto. eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem.
          1: eapply Hpath. 1:cbn;symmetry;eapply depth_root.
          eapply in_or_app. left. eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
    - rewrite consAppend.
      rewrite Hϕ1.
      eapply splinter_app;eapply splinter_single;eauto.
      eapply path_contains_back;eauto.

  Lemma tpath_exit_nin_app h q e i j t
        (Hpath : TPath (root, start_tag) (q, i ++ j) t)
        (Hloop : loop_contains h q)
        (Hexit : exited h e)
    : (e, j) t.
    intro N.
    destruct Hexit as [qe Hexit].
    eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem in N as Hdepe;eauto. 2: cbn;eauto using depth_root.
    assert (|0 :: j| = depth qe) as Hdepqe.
      cbn. erewrite depth_exit.
      - erewrite <-Hdepe. reflexivity.
      - exists h. eauto.
    eapply eq_loop_exiting in Hexit as Hexeq.
    specialize (tcfg_reachability Hdepqe) as Hreach. destructH.
    eapply loop_tag_dom_eq in Hreach as Hhin.
    2: destruct Hexit;eauto.
    3: rewrite Hexeq;eauto.
    2: { rewrite take_r_geq;eauto. rewrite Hexeq. lia. }
    eapply path_from_elem in Hhin;eauto. destructH.
    eapply path_from_elem in N;eauto. destructH.
    eapply ex_entry with (k:=j) (j':=i) in N0 as Hentry;eauto.
    2: destruct Hexit as [? Hexit];destruct Hexit;eauto.
    2: rewrite Hexeq;cbn in *;lia.
    eapply path_to_elem in Hentry;eauto. destructH.
    assert ((qe, 0 :: j) -t> (e,j)) as Hedge.
      eapply tcfg_exit_edge. eexists;eauto.
    eapply PathCons in Hedge;eauto.
    eapply path_app' in Hedge;eauto.
    eapply NoDup_app.
    - eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
    - left. reflexivity.
    - inv_path Hentry0.
      + exfalso. eapply list_cycle;eauto.
      + cbn. eapply path_contains_back;eauto.

  Lemma tpath_exit_nin h q e n j t
        (Hpath : TPath (root, start_tag) (q,n :: j) t)
        (Hloop : loop_contains h q)
        (Hexit : exited h e)
    : (e,j) t.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *) (* contradict monotoncity *) (* only find_div_br *)
    eapply tpath_exit_nin_app with (i:=[n]);eauto.

  Lemma loop_cutting_elem q p t i j x l
        (Hpath : TPath (x,l) (p,i) ((p,i) :: t))
        (Hib : (p,i) ≻* (q,j) | (p,i) :: t)
        (Hnoh : forall h k, loop_contains h q -> h <> q -> ~ (p,i) ≻* (h,k) ≻* (q,j) | (p,i) :: t)
    : exists t', Path a_edge__P q p t'.
  Proof. (* used in uniana *)
    (* easy using loop_cutting *) (* only find_div_br *)
    eapply splinter_cons in Hib as Hin. eapply splinter_in in Hin.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hin;eauto. destructH.
    eapply TPath_CPath in Hin0 as Hcpath;eauto. cbn in Hcpath.
    eapply loop_cutting';eauto.
    intros. intro N.
    eapply in_fst in N. destructH.
    eapply Hnoh;eauto.
    eapply splinter_postfix;eauto.
    eapply path_to_elem in N;eauto.
    destruct ϕ0. 1: inv N0. path_simpl' N0.
    eapply splinter_prefix;eauto.
    eapply splinter_single.
    eapply path_contains_back;eauto.

  Lemma exit_cascade' u p t i j k x l ϕ h
        (Hdom : Dom edge__P root u p)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst ((p,i) :: t) (u,j))
        (Hpath : TPath (x,l) (p,i) ((p,i) :: t))
        (Hdep : | i | = depth p)
        (H : loop_contains h u)
        (Hneq : h <> u)
        (Hϕ0 : Path tcfg_edge (u, j) (p, i) ϕ)
        (Hϕ1 : Postfix ϕ ((p, i) :: t))
    : (h,k) ϕ.
    eapply precedes_in in Hprec as Hin.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hin as ;eauto. destructH.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hpath as Hx;eauto.
    intro Hel.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hϕ0 as Hπ;eauto. destructH.
    eapply dom_loop in H.
    eapply dom_trans in Hdom;eauto.
    2: eapply reachability.
    eapply TPath_CPath in Hπ0 as .
    cbn in .
    eapply Hdom in .
    eapply in_fst in . destructH.
    eapply postfix_eq in Hπ1. destructH. subst ϕ.
    destr_r' l2';subst.
    { rewrite app_nil_r in Hϕ0. eapply path_same_back in Hπ0. 2:eapply Hϕ0. inv Hπ0. contradiction. }
    rewrite app_assoc in Hϕ0. path_simpl' Hϕ0.
    rewrite <-app_assoc in Hϕ0.
    decide (j = b).
    - subst b.
      eapply NoDup_app.
      + eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
        eapply tag_depth_unroot_elem in Hpath;eauto.
      + eassumption.
      + eapply In_rcons. left. reflexivity.
    - eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1. destructH.
      do 2 rewrite <-app_assoc in Hϕ1.
      eapply precedes_app_in_nin.
      4: eapply .
      + rewrite Hϕ1 in Hprec. eassumption.
      + eapply in_or_app. right. cbn. left. eauto.
      + eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto. setoid_rewrite <-Hϕ1. eassumption.

  Lemma exit_cascade u p t i j k x l
        (Hdom : Dom edge__P root u p)
        (Hprec : Precedes fst ((p,i) :: t) (u,j))
        (Hpath : TPath (x,l) (p,i) ((p,i) :: t))
        (Hdep : | i | = depth p)
    : forall h, loop_contains h u -> h <> u -> ~ (p,i) ≻* (h,k) ≻* (u,j) | (p,i) :: t.
    (* otw. there would be a path through this q to p without visiting u *)
    (* on cpaths we might have duplicates, thus it doesn't work there *)
  Proof. (* used in uniana *) (* only find_div_br *)
    eapply precedes_in in Hprec as Hin.
    eapply path_from_elem in Hin as ;eauto. destructH.
    eapply tag_depth_unroot2 in Hpath as Hx;eauto.
    enough ((h,k) ϕ).
      contradict H1. eapply splinter_cons in H1.
      eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1. destructH. rewrite Hϕ1 in H1.
      eapply succ_NoDup_app in H1;eauto.
      - rewrite <-Hϕ1. eapply tpath_NoDup_unroot;eauto.
      - eapply path_contains_back;eauto.
    eapply exit_cascade';eauto.

End tagged.