
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable.
Require Import Coq.Program.Utils.
Require Import Lists.ListSet.
Require Import List.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Program.Basics.

Require Import PathSplits Unchanged ListOrderTac FirstDiff RelSplits.

Section uniana.

  Context `(C : redCFG).

  Notation "p --> q" := (edge p q = true) (at level 55,right associativity).

  Parameter branch: Lab -> option Var.

  Definition is_branch br x := branch br = Some x.

  Parameter val_true : Val -> bool.

  Parameter branch_spec :
    forall p : Lab, match branch p with
         | Some x => exists q q', q <> q' /\ forall s,
                        if val_true (s x)
                        then exists r, eff' (p,s) = Some (q, r)
                        else exists r', eff' (p,s) = Some (q',r')
         | None => forall q q' : Lab, edge p q = true -> p --> q' -> q = q'


  Definition UniState := Var -> bool.

  Parameter abs_uni_eff : UniState -> UniState.


  Definition uni_state_concr (uni : UniState) : State -> State -> Prop :=
    fun s => fun s' => forall x, uni x = true -> s x = s' x.

  Parameter local_uni_corr : forall uni p i q j s s' qs qs',
      uni_state_concr uni s s' ->
      eff (p, i, s) = Some (q, j, qs) ->
      eff (p, i, s') = Some (q, j, qs') ->
      uni_state_concr (abs_uni_eff uni) qs qs'.

  Definition Uni := Lab -> Var -> bool.

  Definition uni_concr (u : Uni) : Hyper :=
    fun ts => forall t t', ts t -> ts t' ->
                   forall x p i s s', In (p, i, s) (`t) ->
                                 In (p, i, s') (`t') ->
                                 u p x = true -> s x = s' x.

  Definition uni_meet (u1 u2 : Uni) : Uni
    := fun (p : Lab) (x : Var) => u1 p x || u2 p x.

  Infix "⊓" := uni_meet (at level 70).


  Lemma uni_concr_meet_preserve (u1 u2 : Uni) (ts : Traces)
    : uni_concr (u1 u2) ts <-> uni_concr u1 ts /\ uni_concr u2 ts.
    split;intros H.
    - unfold uni_concr in *. split;intros.
      1: eapply H;cycle 2;eauto 1.
      2: symmetry;eapply H;cycle 2;eauto 1.
      all: unfold uni_meet;conv_bool.
      1: left. 2: right. all: eauto.
    - unfold uni_concr;intros. destruct H. unfold uni_meet in H4. conv_bool. destruct H4.
      + eapply H;cycle 2;eauto.
      + eapply H5;cycle 2;eauto.

  Definition uni_branch (uni : Uni) :=
    (fun s : Lab
     => match (branch s) with
       | Some x => uni s x
       | None => false



  Definition uni_trans (uni : Uni) (unch : @Unch Lab) : Uni :=
    fun (p : Lab)
    => if decision (p = root) then uni root
      else fun (x : Var) => (join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni)) (splitsT p)))
                      (* the predecessor is only included in split set if p is an exit *)
                      && (join_andb (map (fun q => abs_uni_eff (uni q) x) (preds p)))
                    || join_orb (map (fun q => (negb (decision (q = p)))
                                                 && uni q x
                                                 && join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni))
                                                                   (rel_splits p q)))
                                    (unch p x)).


  Lemma uni_trans_root_inv :
    forall uni unch x, uni_trans uni unch root x = uni root x.
    unfold uni_trans.
    decide (root = root).
    exfalso. apply n. reflexivity.

  Lemma uni_branch_uni_succ p br q1 q2 i k j1 j2 s1 s2 uni l1 l2
        (Hpath1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: l1))
        (Hpath2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: l2))
        (Hsucc1 : (q1,j1) (br,k) | ((p,i) :: map fst l1))
        (Hsucc2 : (q2,j2) (br,k) | ((p,i) :: map fst l2))
        (Hunibr : uni_branch uni br = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) l1 -> (p, i, s') l2 -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : q1 = q2.
    unfold uni_branch in Hunibr. cbn in Hunibr.
    specialize (branch_spec br) as Hbr.
    destruct (branch br) eqn:E; [|congruence]. destructH.
    replace ((p,i) :: map fst l1) with (map fst ((p,i,s1) :: l1)) in Hsucc1 by (cbn;eauto).
    replace ((p,i) :: map fst l2) with (map fst ((p,i,s2) :: l2)) in Hsucc2 by (cbn;eauto).
    eapply2 tr_lift_succ Hsucc1 Hsucc2;eauto. do 2 destructH.
    specialize (HCuni v br k r0 r).
    exploit HCuni.
    1,2: eapply in_succ_in2;eauto.
    specialize (Hbr1 r0) as Hbr1'.
    specialize (Hbr1 r).
    destruct (val_true (r0 v)) eqn:Heq1, (val_true (r v)) eqn:Heq2.
    2,3: rewrite HCuni in Heq1; congruence.
    all:do 2 destructH.
    - enough (q1 = q /\ q2 = q) by (subst';eauto).
      eapply tr_succ_eff' with (s:=s1) (q'0:=q);eauto.
      eapply tr_succ_eff' with (s:=s2) (q'0:=q);eauto.
    - enough (q1 = q' /\ q2 = q') by (subst';eauto).
      eapply tr_succ_eff' with (s:=s1) (q'0:=q');eauto.
      eapply tr_succ_eff' with (s:=s2) (q'0:=q');eauto.

  Lemma uni_branch_uni_succ' p br q1 q2 i k j1 j2 uni l1 l2 s1 s2
        (Hpath1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: l1))
        (Hpath2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: l2))
        (Hsucc1 : (q1,j1) (br,k) | ((p,i) :: map fst l1))
        (Hsucc2 : (q2,j2) (br,k)| ((p,i) :: map fst l2))
        (Hunibr : uni_branch uni br = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) l1 -> (p, i, s') l2 -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : q1 = q2 /\ j1 = j2.
    assert (q1 = q2) by (eapply uni_branch_uni_succ with (q1:=q1) (l1:=l1) ;eauto).
    eapply tcfg_edge_det.
    2: eapply succ_in_tpath_tcfg_edge;[clear Hpath1;spot_path|];eauto;cbn;
      eauto using succ_in_cons_cons.
    clear Hpath2 Hsucc2.
    eapply succ_in_tpath_tcfg_edge;[spot_path|];eauto.

  Lemma uni_branch_succ_p p q br i j k s1 s2 r r' l1 l2 l2' uni
        (Htr1 : Tr ((p, i,s1) :: (q, j,r) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : Tr ((p, i,s2) :: (br, k,r') :: l2))
        (Hsplit : uni_branch uni br = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) ((q, j, r) :: l1) ->
            (p, i, s') ((br, k, r') :: l2) -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
        (Hpost : Postfix (((q, j) :: l2') :r: (br, k)) ((q, j) :: map fst l1))
    : False.
    destruct (hd (q, j) (rev ((q, j) :: l2'))) eqn:E.
    assert ((e, t) (br, k) | ((q, j) :: map fst l1)) as Hsucc1.
      eapply postfix_succ_in;eauto.
      rewrite cons_rcons'.
      rewrite E.
      eapply succ_in_rcons2.
    eapply uni_branch_uni_succ' with (q1:=e) (q2:=p) (j1:=t) (j2:=i) in HCuni;cbn;eauto.
    * subst'.
      eapply2 tr_tpath_cons2 Htr1 Htr2;eauto.
      eapply tpath_NoDup in Htr1.
      inversion Htr1. eapply H1. eapply postfix_incl;eauto.
      eapply In_rcons. right.
      rewrite cons_rcons'. eapply In_rcons. left. eauto.
    * eapply succ_cons. eauto.
    * cbn. eapply succ_in_cons_cons.

  Lemma uni_branch_non_disj p i br k s1 s2 l1 l2 l1' l2' uni p1 p2
        (Hpath1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: l1))
        (Hpath2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: l2))
        (Hpost1 : Postfix ((p1 :: l1') :r: (br, k)) (map fst l1))
        (Hpost2 : Postfix ((p2 :: l2') :r: (br, k)) (map fst l2))
        (Hdisj : Disjoint (p1 :: l1') (p2 :: l2'))
        (Hsplit : uni_branch uni br = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) l1 ->
            (p, i, s') l2 -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : False.
    specialize (cons_rcons' p1 l1') as Hl1'.
    specialize (cons_rcons' p2 l2') as Hl2'.
    set (p1' := hd p1 (rev (p1 :: l1'))) in *.
    set (p2' := hd p2 (rev (p2 :: l2'))) in *.
    enough (p1' = p2').
    - eapply disjoint1 in Hdisj. eapply Hdisj.
      + rewrite Hl2'. eapply In_rcons. left. reflexivity.
      + rewrite Hl1'. eapply In_rcons. left. auto.
    - destruct (p1') as [q1 j1] eqn:Heq1.
      destruct (p2') as [q2 j2] eqn:Heq2.
      eapply uni_branch_uni_succ' with (q1:=q1) (q2:=q2) (j1:=j1) (j2:=j2) (l1:=l1) in Hsplit;eauto.
      1: subst';reflexivity.
      1,2: eapply succ_cons; eapply postfix_succ_in;eauto.
      + rewrite Hl1'. eapply succ_in_rcons2.
      + rewrite Hl2'. eapply succ_in_rcons2.
  Arguments uni_branch_non_disj : clear implicits.

  Lemma uni_same_tag p q i j1 j2 s1 s2 r1 r2 uni l1 l2
        (Htr1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: (q,j1,r1) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: (q,j2,r2) :: l2))
        (Hsplit : (join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni)) (splitsT p))) = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) ((q,j1,r1)::l1) ->
            (p, i, s') ((q,j2,r2)::l2) ->
            uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : j2 = j1.
    decide' (j1 == j2);[reflexivity|exfalso].
    assert (forall s j r l (Htr : Tr ((p, i, s) :: (q, j, r) :: l)),
               tcfg_edge (q, j) (p, i)) as Htcfg.
      clear. intros.
      eapply Tr_EPath in Htr;[|cbn;eauto]. destructH. eapply EPath_TPath in Htr. cbn in Htr.
      inversion Htr. cbn in H.
      inversion H0;subst; [destruct l;cbn in H9;[|congruence]|].
      + inversion H9;subst;eauto.
      + destruct l;[congruence|]. cbn in H8. eauto.
    copy c Hneq.
    eapply (tag_eq_loop_exit (p:=p) (q:=q) (i:=i)) in c. 2,3: eapply Htcfg;eauto. clear Htcfg.
    eapply tr_lc_lt with (j3:=j1) (j4:=j2) in Htr1 as Hlc;eauto;destructH' Hlc.
    specialize (get_innermost_loop_spec q) as Hspec.
    destruct (get_innermost_loop q) ;[|contradiction].
    destruct brk as [br k].
(*    eapply lc_disj_exit_lsplits in c as Hsplits;eauto; cycle 1.
    - spot_path.
    - spot_path.*)

    unfold last_common in Hlc. destructH.
    eapply join_andb_true_iff in Hsplit;eauto.
    - destruct l1',l2'.
      + cbn in *. eapply2 postfix_hd_eq Hlc0 Hlc2.
        subst'. congruence.
      + cbn in Hlc0.
        destruct p0.
        eapply2' postfix_hd_eq Hlc0 Hlc2 Hlc0' Hlc2'. symmetry in Hlc0'. subst'.
        clear Hlc0 Hlc1 Hlc3 Hlc5.
        eapply uni_branch_succ_p with (j:=j2);eauto.
        intros;symmetry;eapply HCuni;eauto.
      + cbn in Hlc2.
        destruct p0.
        eapply2' postfix_hd_eq Hlc0 Hlc2 Hlc0' Hlc2'. subst'.
        clear Hlc2 Hlc1 Hlc3 Hlc5.
        eapply uni_branch_succ_p with (j:=j1);eauto.
      + eapply (uni_branch_non_disj) with (br:=br) (l1:=(q,j1,r1) :: l1) ;eauto;cbn;eauto.
    - eapply splitsT_spec.
      assert (tcfg_edge (q,j1) (p,i)).
        eapply Tr_EPath in Htr1;[|cbn;eauto].
        eapply EPath_TPath in Htr1. cbn in Htr1.
        inversion Htr1. path_simpl' H0. eauto.
      assert (tcfg_edge (q,j2) (p,i)).
        eapply Tr_EPath in Htr2;[|cbn;eauto].
        eapply EPath_TPath in Htr2. cbn in Htr2.
        inversion Htr2. path_simpl' H1. eauto.
      assert (l1' <> nil \/ l2' <> nil).
        destruct l1',l2'. 2: right. 3: left. 4: right. 2-4: congruence.
        cbn in *. eapply2 postfix_hd_eq Hlc0 Hlc2.
        subst'. congruence.
      eapply postfix_path in Hlc0;cycle 1.
      + inversion Htr1.
        eapply Tr_EPath in H4;eauto. destructH. eapply EPath_TPath in H4. cbn in *;eauto.
        cbn. eauto.
      + eapply postfix_path in Hlc2.
        * eapply PathCons with (c:=(p,i)) in Hlc0;[|eauto].
          eapply PathCons with (c:=(p,i)) in Hlc2;[|eauto].
          eapply path_rcons_inv' in Hlc0. destructH.
          eapply path_rcons_inv' in Hlc2. destructH.
          destruct p0. destruct p1.
          do 8 eexists. split_conj.
          1: eapply Hlc4.
          1: eapply Hlc0.
        * inversion Htr2.
          eapply Tr_EPath in H4;eauto. destructH. eapply EPath_TPath in H4. cbn in *. eauto.
          cbn. eauto.

  Hint Resolve Conf_dec.

  Hint Unfold Coord.
  Hint Unfold Tag.
  Hint Immediate tpath_NoDup.
  Hint Resolve precedes_in.

  Local Ltac lc_ex_succ_pre_post :=
    eapply prefix_succ_in; eauto;
    eapply postfix_succ_in; eauto;
    eapply succ_in_rcons2.

  Lemma last_common_ex_succ (A : Type) `{EqDec A eq} (a1 a2 a1' a2' c : A) ll1 ll2 l1 l2
        (Hpre1 : Prefix (a1 :: l1) ll1)
        (Hpre2 : Prefix (a2 :: l2) ll2)
        (Hnin1 : a1' (a2 :: l2))
        (Hnin2 : a2' (a1 :: l1))
        (Hsucc1 : a1' a1 | ll1)
        (Hsucc2 : a2' a2 | ll2)
        (Hneq : a1 <> a2)
        (Hlc : last_common (a1 :: l1) (a2 :: l2) c)
    : exists (b1 b2 : A), b1 c | ll1 /\ b2 c | ll2 /\ b1 <> b2.
    unfold last_common in Hlc. destructH.
    specialize (rcons_destruct l1') as Hl1'.
    specialize (rcons_destruct l2') as Hl2'.
    destruct Hl1', Hl2'; subst; cbn in Hlc0,Hlc2.
    - eapply2' postfix_hd_eq Hlc0 Hlc2 Heq1 Heq2; subst. congruence.
    - destructH. subst. eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc0. subst.
      exists a1', a. split_conj;eauto.
      + lc_ex_succ_pre_post.
      + contradict Hnin1. eapply postfix_incl;eauto. rewrite In_rcons. rewrite In_rcons. firstorder 0.
    - destructH. subst. eapply postfix_hd_eq in Hlc2. subst.
      exists a, a2'. split_conj;eauto.
      + lc_ex_succ_pre_post.
      + contradict Hnin2. eapply postfix_incl;eauto. rewrite In_rcons. rewrite In_rcons. subst. firstorder 0.
    - repeat destructH; subst.
      exists a0, a. split_conj.
      + lc_ex_succ_pre_post.
      + lc_ex_succ_pre_post.
      + intro Heq; subst. eapply disjoint1 in Hlc1.
        unfold Disjoint in Hlc1. destruct Hlc1. clear - H0.
        eapply H0; eapply In_rcons; left; eauto.

  Lemma find_divergent_branch u p l1 l2 i j1 j2
        (Hunch : Dom edge__P root u p)
        (Hprec1 : Precedes fst l1 (u, j1))
        (Hprec2 : Precedes fst l2 (u, j2))
        (Htr1 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, i) ((p, i) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : TPath (root, start_tag) (p, i) ((p, i) :: l2))
        (Hneq : p <> u)
        (Hjneq : j1 <> j2)
    : exists br : Lab,
      br rel_splits p u /\
      (exists (k k1 k2 : Tag) (q1 q2 : Lab),
          (q1, k1) (br, k) | (p,i) :: l1 /\ (q2, k2) (br, k) | (p,i) :: l2 /\ q1 <> q2).
    specialize (ex_near_ancestor u p) as [a [Hanc Ha_near]].
    eapply ancestor_dom1 in Hanc as Hanc1. eapply ancestor_dom2 in Hanc as Hanc2.
    eapply dom_tpath_prec with (l:=(p,i) :: l1) in Hanc2 as Hanc21;eauto. destructH' Hanc21.
    eapply dom_tpath_prec with (l:=(p,i) :: l2) in Hanc2 as Hanc22;eauto. destructH' Hanc22.

    assert (j0 = j); [|subst j0].
      eapply ancestor_sym in Hanc;eapply tag_prefix_ancestor in Hanc21 as Ha_pre1;eauto.
      eapply tag_prefix_ancestor in Hanc22 as Ha_pre2; eauto.
      eapply prec_tpath_tpath in Hanc21;eauto. destructH.
      eapply prec_tpath_tpath in Hanc22;eauto. destructH.
      eapply prefix_length_eq;eauto;eapply tpath_tag_len_eq;eauto.

    enough ((u,j1) ≻* (a,j) | (p,i) :: l1) as Hib1.
    enough ((u,j2) ≻* (a,j) | (p,i) :: l2) as Hib2.

    2: eapply dom_dom_in_between;eauto.
    3: eapply dom_dom_in_between;eauto.
    2,3: econstructor;cbn;eauto.

    assert (Prefix j i) as Hprei by (eapply tag_prefix_ancestor;[eapply ancestor_sym| |];eauto).
    assert (Prefix j j1) as Hprej1
      by (eapply tag_prefix_ancestor_elem with (l:=l1);eauto).
    assert (Prefix j j2) as Hprej2
        by (eapply tag_prefix_ancestor_elem with (l:=l2);eauto).
    (* uses hib12 *)

    assert (exists j1', j1 = j1' ++ j) as [j1' Hj1] by (eapply prefix_eq;eauto).
    assert (exists j2', j2 = j2' ++ j) as [j2' Hj2] by (eapply prefix_eq;eauto).

    assert (j1' <> j2') as c'.
      subst j1 j2. intro c'. rewrite c' in Hjneq. eapply Hjneq. reflexivity.

    eapply Pr_cont with (c:=(p,i)) in Hprec1;[|cbn;eauto].
    eapply Pr_cont with (c:=(p,i)) in Hprec2;[|cbn;eauto].
    (* find the first difference in the tag suffices *)
    eapply first_diff in c';eauto.
    2: assert (| j1 | = | j2 |) as Hlen;
      [(eapply (tpath_tag_len_eq_elem (l1:=(p,i)::l1)) ;eauto;eapply precedes_in;eauto)|].
    2: { subst j1 j2. repeat rewrite app_length in Hlen. clear - Hlen. lia. }
    2,3: intro N; eapply c'; subst;
      eapply precedes_in in Hprec1;eapply precedes_in in Hprec2;
          eapply tpath_tag_len_eq_elem in Hprec1;eauto;
            do 2 rewrite app_length in Hprec1;exfalso.
    3:destruct j1';cbn in Hprec1; [congruence|lia].
    2:destruct j2';cbn in Hprec1;[congruence|lia].
    rename c' into Htag. destructH.
    subst j1' j2'. rewrite <-app_assoc in Hj1,Hj2. rewrite <-app_comm_cons in Hj1,Hj2.
    (* find the head of the divergent loop *)
    eapply first_occ_tag_elem with (t:=(p,i) :: l1) in Hj1 as Hocc1. 3: eapply Hunch.
      2-3: eauto using precedes_in.
    eapply first_occ_tag_elem in Hj2 as Hocc2. 3: eapply Hunch. 2-3: eauto using precedes_in.
    do 2 destructH.
    (* show that it is the same head in both traces *)
    assert (h0 = h);[|subst h0].
      eapply eq_loop_same. 2,3: eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
      eapply loop_contains_either in Hocc3;eauto.
      destruct Hocc3.
      - eapply loop_contains_deq_loop in H. split;auto.
        eapply deq_loop_depth_eq;eauto.
        erewrite <-tag_depth;eauto.
        erewrite <-tag_depth. 3: eapply precedes_in;eauto. 2:eauto.
        cbn. reflexivity.
      - eapply loop_contains_deq_loop in H. split;auto.
        eapply deq_loop_depth_eq;eauto.
        erewrite <-tag_depth. 3:eapply precedes_in;eauto. 2:eauto.
        erewrite <-tag_depth. 3:eapply precedes_in;eauto. 2:eauto.
        cbn. reflexivity.
    (* find node on ancestor-depth that is between u & p *)
    eapply2 ancestor_level_connector Hanc21 Hanc22. (* uses hib12 *)
    4,8: split;[eapply ancestor_sym|];eauto. all:eauto.
    2,3: clear - Ha_near;intros;destructH;eauto.
    (*clear Hib1 Hib2.*)
    destruct Hanc21 as [a1' [Hanc21 Hanc11]]. destruct Hanc22 as [a2' [Hanc22 Hanc12]].
    assert (Prefix j (l' ++ j)) as Hexit1.
    { eapply prefix_eq. eexists;reflexivity. }
    copy Hexit1 Hexit1'.
    eapply find_loop_exit with (a0:=a1') (n:=a1) (h0:=h) (l:= (p,i)::l1) in Hexit1;
      eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.
    eapply find_loop_exit with (a0:=a2') (n:=a2) in Hexit1';eauto using loop_contains_loop_head.

    2,3: unfold Tag in *; resolve_succ_rt.
    destruct Hexit1 as [qe1 [e1 [Hexit__seq1 [Hexit__succ1 Hexit__edge1]]]].
    destruct Hexit1' as [qe2 [e2 [Hexit__seq2 [Hexit__succ2 Hexit__edge2]]]].
    assert ((qe1, a1 :: l' ++ j) ((p,i) :: l1)) as Hin1 by find_in_splinter.
    assert ((qe2, a2 :: l' ++ j) ((p,i) :: l2)) as Hin2 by find_in_splinter.
    eapply2 path_to_elem Hin1 Hin2; eauto.
    destruct Hin1 as [η1 [Hη1 Hpreη1]]. destruct Hin2 as [η2 [Hη2 Hprenη2]].
    assert (exists brk, last_common η1 η2 brk) as Hlc.
      destr_r' η1;subst;[inversion Hη1|]. destr_r' η2;subst;[inversion Hη2|].
      path_simpl' Hη1. path_simpl' Hη2.
      eapply ne_last_common.
    destruct Hlc as [[br k] Hlc].
    enough (η1 = (qe1, a1 :: l' ++ j) :: tl η1) as ηeq1.
    enough (η2 = (qe2, a2 :: l' ++ j) :: tl η2) as ηeq2.
    rewrite ηeq1 in Hlc; rewrite ηeq2 in Hlc.
    2,3: let f := fun Q => clear - Q; inversion Q;subst;cbn;eauto in
         only 2:f Hη1; f Hη2.

    (* I should use a fine-tuned version of the base case of this lemma here instead of the lemma itself *)
    (* Now take the paths br -->* qe1 -> e1 and br --> qe2 -> ledge. These construct a loop_split *)
    (* FIXME *)
    eapply lc_disj_exits_lsplits with (h0:=h) (e3:=e1) (e4:=e2) (i0:=l'++j) in Hlc as Hsplit;eauto.
(*    4: { intro N. inversion N. contradiction. }*)
    all: cycle 1.
      clear - ηeq1 Hη1 Hexit__edge1 Hexit__succ1 Htr1. econstructor. cbn.
      + rewrite ηeq1 in Hη1. eauto.
      + eapply succ_in_path_edge;cycle 1;eauto.
      clear - ηeq2 Hη2 Hexit__edge2 Hexit__succ2 Htr2. econstructor. cbn.
      + rewrite ηeq2 in Hη2. eauto.
      + eapply succ_in_path_edge;cycle 1;eauto.
    1,2: eapply tpath_NoDup;eauto.
    repeat splice_splinter.
    2-4: eauto.
    exists br; split.
    3-5: eapply tpath_NoDup;eauto.
    - eapply rel_splits_spec. exists h.
      destruct Hsplit as [Hsplit|Hsplit].
      + exists e1.
        repeat lazymatch goal with
               | [H : context C [l2] |- _ ] => clear H
               | [H : context C [qe2] |- _ ] => clear H
               | [H : context C [j2] |- _ ] => clear H
        1: unfold exited;eauto.
        assert (deq_loop u e1) as Hdeq.
          clear - Hexit__edge1 Hocc0.
          eapply deq_loop_trans;cycle 1.
          - eapply deq_loop_exited;eauto.
          - eapply deq_loop_trans;cycle 1.
            + eapply deq_loop_exiting;eauto.
            + eapply loop_contains_deq_loop;eauto.
        2: eexists;eauto.

        eapply splinter_in in Hocc6 as .
        eapply path_from_elem in ;eauto. destructH.
        eapply in_succ_in1 in Hexit__succ1 as Hein.
        eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1 as Hϕeq. destructH. rewrite Hϕeq in Hein.
        eapply in_app_or in Hein.
        destruct Hein as [Hein|Hein];[|exfalso].
        2: {
          destr_r' ϕ;subst. 1: inv Hϕ0. path_simpl' Hϕ0.
          rewrite Hϕeq in Htr1.
          destruct l;cbn in Hϕ0. 1: cbn in Hϕeq;inv Hϕeq;contradiction.
          eapply path_prefix_path in Htr1. 2:eauto.
          2: {
            eapply prefix_eq.
            exists (p0 :: l). rewrite <-app_cons_rcons. reflexivity.
          rewrite app_cons_rcons in Htr1.
          eapply tpath_exit_nin_app in Htr1;eauto.
        eapply path_from_elem in Hein;eauto. destructH.
        eapply TPath_CPath in Hein0 as Hcein0. cbn in Hcein0.
        eapply loop_cutting'.
        -- eapply Hcein0.
        -- intros h0 Hloop Hneq0 Hel.
           eapply in_fst in Hel. destructH.
           eapply exit_cascade' with (h1:=h0).
           1:eapply Hunch.
           1: eapply tag_depth';eauto.
           intro N. subst h0.
           eapply loop_contains_trans in Hloop. 2: eapply Hocc0. destruct Hexit__edge1. destruct H0.
           1,2: eauto.
           eapply postfix_incl;eauto.
      + exists e2.
        repeat lazymatch goal with
               | [H : context C [l1] |- _ ] => clear H
               | [H : context C [qe1] |- _ ] => clear H
               | [H : context C [j1] |- _ ] => clear H
        1: unfold exited;eauto.
        assert (deq_loop u e2) as Hdeq.
          clear - Hexit__edge2 Hocc0.
          eapply deq_loop_trans;cycle 1.
          - eapply deq_loop_exited;eauto.
          - eapply deq_loop_trans;cycle 1.
            + eapply deq_loop_exiting;eauto.
            + eapply loop_contains_deq_loop;eauto.
        2: unfold exited;eauto.
        eapply splinter_in in Hocc4 as .
        eapply path_from_elem in ;eauto. destructH.
        eapply in_succ_in1 in Hexit__succ2 as Hein.
        eapply postfix_eq in Hϕ1 as Hϕeq. destructH. rewrite Hϕeq in Hein.
        eapply in_app_or in Hein.
        destruct Hein as [Hein|Hein];[|exfalso].
        2: {
          destr_r' ϕ;subst. 1: inv Hϕ0. path_simpl' Hϕ0.
          rewrite Hϕeq in Htr2.
          destruct l;cbn in Hϕ0. 1: cbn in Hϕeq;inv Hϕeq;contradiction.
          eapply path_prefix_path in Htr2. 2:eauto.
          2: {
            eapply prefix_eq.
            exists (p0 :: l). rewrite <-app_cons_rcons. reflexivity.
          rewrite app_cons_rcons in Htr2.
          eapply tpath_exit_nin_app in Htr2;eauto.
        eapply path_from_elem in Hein;eauto. destructH.
        eapply TPath_CPath in Hein0 as Hcein0. cbn in Hcein0.
        eapply loop_cutting'.
        -- eapply Hcein0.
        -- intros h0 Hloop Hneq0 Hel.
           eapply in_fst in Hel. destructH.
           eapply exit_cascade' with (h1:=h0).
           1:eapply Hunch.
           1: eapply tag_depth';eauto.
           intro N. subst h0.
           eapply loop_contains_trans in Hloop. 2: eapply Hocc0. destruct Hexit__edge2. destruct H0.
           1,2: eauto.
           eapply postfix_incl;eauto.
    - exists k.
      eapply last_common_ex_succ in Hlc; eauto.
      2: unfold Tag in *; rewrite <-ηeq1;eauto.
      2: unfold Tag in *; rewrite <-ηeq2;eauto.
      4: contradict Htag0; inversion Htag0; eauto.
      clear - Hlc Htr1 Htr2. destructH. destruct b1, b2. exists l, l0, e, e0. split_conj;eauto.
      contradict Hlc3. inversion Hlc3;subst;eauto. f_equal.
      eapply tcfg_edge_det; eapply succ_in_tpath_tcfg_edge; unfold Coord in *; cycle 1; eauto.
      1: unfold Tag in *; rewrite <-ηeq2.
      2: unfold Tag in *; rewrite <-ηeq1.
      eapply (tpath_exit_nin (h:=h) (q:=qe2));eauto;
        clear - Hexit__edge1 Hexit__edge2; unfold exit_edge in *;unfold exited;
          [|exists qe1]; firstorder 0.
      eapply (tpath_exit_nin (h:=h) (q:=qe1));eauto;
        clear - Hexit__edge1 Hexit__edge2; unfold exit_edge in *;unfold exited;
          [|exists qe2]; firstorder 0.

  Lemma unch_same_tag p u i s1 s2 j1 j2 r1 r2 l1 l2 x uni (unch : Unch)
        (Hunibr : join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni)) (rel_splits p u)) = true)
        (Hunch : u unch p x)
        (Hunch_postfix : forall p x, unch p x unch_trans unch p x)
        (Hprec1 : Precedes lab_of l1 (u, j1, r1))
        (Hprec2 : Precedes lab_of l2 (u, j2, r2))
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) l1 -> (p, i, s') l2 -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
        (Htr1 : Tr ((p, i, s1) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : Tr ((p, i, s2) :: l2))
        (Hneq : p <> u)
    : j1 = j2.
    assert (forall p i s l (Htr : Tr ((p, i, s) :: l)),
               TPath (root, start_tag) (p, i) ((p, i) :: map fst l)) as Htr_path.
      eapply Tr_EPath in Htr;[|reflexivity]. destructH.
      eapply EPath_TPath' in Htr;cbn. 2-4: reflexivity. assumption.
    decide (j1 = j2);[eauto|exfalso].
    specialize (@find_divergent_branch u p (map fst l1) (map fst l2) i j1 j2) as Hwit.
    unfold Tag in *.
    exploit Hwit.
    - eapply unch_postfix_implies_dom; eauto.
    - eapply prec_lab_prec_fst;eauto.
    - eapply prec_lab_prec_fst;eauto.
    - destructH.
      eapply join_andb_true_iff in Hunibr;eauto.
      eapply uni_branch_uni_succ
        with (q1:=q1) (q2:=q2) (uni:=uni) in HCuni;eauto.

  Lemma neq_sym (A : Type) (a b : A) : a <> b -> b <> a.
    intros H Q. rewrite Q in H. contradiction.

  Lemma uni_same_lab p q1 q2 i j1 j2 s1 s2 r1 r2 uni l1 l2
        (Htr1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: (q1,j1,r1) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: (q2,j2,r2) :: l2))
        (Hsplit : (join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni)) (splitsT p))) = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) ((q1,j1,r1)::l1) -> (p, i, s') ((q2,j2,r2)::l2)
            -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : q2 = q1.
    eapply tr_lc_lt in Htr1 as LC_lt;eauto. destructH' LC_lt.
    decide (q2 = q1) as [ Heq | Hneq ]; [ eauto | exfalso ].
    eapply (neq_sym) in Hneq.
    eapply last_common_sym in LC_lt.
    destruct brk as [br k].
    eapply lc_join_split in LC_lt as LC_join;eauto.
    Unshelve. all:cycle 3. exact p. exact i.
    - unfold last_common in LC_lt. destructH.
      eapply join_andb_true_iff in Hsplit;eauto.
      destruct l1',l2'.
      (* we have l1 = nil -> (br,k) = (q1,j1). but:  l1' = nil <-> (br,k) = (q1,j1) *)
      + cbn in *. eapply2 postfix_hd_eq LC_lt0 LC_lt2.
        subst'. congruence.
      + (* since (br,k) = (q1,j1) & uniform, we have that (p,i) succeeds (br,k) thus
         (p,i) ∈ l2, thus double occurence of the same instance in t2 --> contradiction *)

        cbn in LC_lt0.
        destruct p0.
        eapply2' postfix_hd_eq LC_lt0 LC_lt2 LC_lt0' LC_lt2'. symmetry in LC_lt0'. subst'.
        clear LC_lt0 LC_lt1 LC_lt3 LC_lt5.
        eapply uni_branch_succ_p with (q:=q2) (br:=br);eauto.
        intros;symmetry;eapply HCuni;eauto.
      + (* since (br,k) = (q2,j2) & uniform, we have that (p,i) succeeds (br,k) thus
         (p,i) ∈ l1, thus double occurence of the same instance in t1 --> contradiction *)

        cbn in LC_lt0.
        destruct p0.
        eapply2' postfix_hd_eq LC_lt0 LC_lt2 LC_lt0' LC_lt2'. symmetry in LC_lt2'. subst'.
        clear LC_lt2 LC_lt1 LC_lt3 LC_lt5.
        eapply (@uni_branch_succ_p p q1 br i j1 k s1 s2 r1 r2);eauto.
      + (* successor of br is the same because of uniformity and in l1' & l2',
           thus l1' & l2' are not disjoint --> contradiction *)

        eapply (uni_branch_non_disj p i br k _ _ ((q1,j1,r1)::l1)
                                    ((q2,j2,r2)::l2) (l1') (l2'));
    - spot_path.
    - spot_path.

  Definition hom (T : list (list (Lab * Tag))) p
    := forall (q1 q2 : Lab) (i j1 j2 : Tag) t1 t2,
      t1 T
      -> t2 T
      -> (q1,j1) (p,i) | t1
      -> (q2,j2) (p,i) | t2
      -> q1 = q2 /\ j1 = j2.

  Lemma uni_hom p q1 q2 i j1 j2 s1 s2 r1 r2 uni l1 l2
        (Htr1 : Tr ((p,i,s1) :: (q1,j1,r1) :: l1))
        (Htr2 : Tr ((p,i,s2) :: (q2,j2,r2) :: l2))
        (Hsplit : (join_andb (map ((uni_branch uni)) (splitsT p))) = true)
        (HCuni : forall (x : Var) (p : Lab) (i : Tag) (s s' : State),
            (p, i, s) ((q1,j1,r1)::l1) -> (p, i, s') ((q2,j2,r2)::l2)
            -> uni p x = true -> s x = s' x)
    : q2 = q1 /\ j2 = j1.
    eapply uni_same_lab in HCuni as Hsame;eauto.
    subst q2. split;[auto|].
    eapply uni_same_tag;eauto.

  Ltac reduce_uni_concr HCuni Hpre1 Hpre2 :=
    clear - HCuni Hpre1 Hpre2; eapply2 prefix_incl Hpre1 Hpre2; intros; eapply HCuni;eauto.


  Lemma uni_correct uni unch ts
        (Hunch_postfix : forall p x, unch p x unch_trans unch p x)
      : sem_hyper (red_prod (uni_concr uni) (lift (unch_concr unch))) ts ->
        uni_concr (uni_trans uni unch) ts.
    intros Hred.
    unfold sem_hyper in Hred.
    destruct Hred as [ts' [Hconcr Hstep]].
    unfold uni_concr.
    intros t t' Hsem Hsem' x p i s s' HIn HIn' Htrans.

    assert (unch_concr (unch_trans unch) t) as HCunch. {
      destruct Hconcr as [_ Hunch].
      unfold lift in *; subst.
      apply unch_correct. assumption.

    assert (unch_concr (unch_trans unch) t') as HCunch'. {
      destruct Hconcr as [ _ Hunch].
      unfold lift in *; subst.
      apply unch_correct. assumption.

    destruct Hconcr as [HCuni _].
    unfold uni_trans in Htrans.
    assert (X := Hsem). destruct X as [t1 [k1 [Hts1 Hteq1]]].
    assert (X := Hsem'). destruct X as [t2 [k2 [Hts2 Hteq2]]].
    decide (p = root); [ subst | ].
    - eapply HCuni; [eapply Hts1|apply Hts2| | | apply Htrans].
      + specialize (root_prefix t1) as [s0 rp]. apply root_start_tag in HIn as rst. subst i.
        eapply prefix_cons_in in rp as rp'.
        assert (Prefix (`t1) (`t)) as pre_t.
        { rewrite Hteq1. cbn. econstructor. econstructor. }
        eapply prefix_trans with (l2:=`t1) (l3:=`t) in rp; eauto.
        apply prefix_cons_in in rp. eapply tag_inj in HIn; [| apply rp].
        subst s0. eauto.
      + specialize (root_prefix t2) as [s0 rp]. apply root_start_tag in HIn as rst. subst i.
        eapply prefix_cons_in in rp as rp'.
        assert (Prefix (`t2) (`t')) as pre_t.
        { rewrite Hteq2. cbn. econstructor. econstructor. }
        eapply prefix_trans with (l2:=`t2) (l3:=`t') in rp; eauto.
        apply prefix_cons_in in rp. eapply tag_inj in HIn'; [| apply rp].
        subst s0. eauto.
    - conv_bool.
      destruct Htrans as [[Htrans Hpred] | Hunch].
      (* The uni/hom case *)
      + rewrite Hteq1 in HIn. rewrite Hteq2 in HIn'.
        eapply in_pred_exists in HIn; try eassumption;
          [|setoid_rewrite <-Hteq1; exact (proj2_sig t)].
        eapply in_pred_exists in HIn'; try eassumption;
          [|setoid_rewrite <-Hteq2; exact (proj2_sig t')].
        destruct HIn as [q [j [r [HIn Hstep]]]].
        destruct HIn' as [q' [j' [r' [HIn' Hstep']]]].
        assert (q (preds p)) as Hqpred
            by (eapply in_preds;eauto using step_conf_implies_edge,root_no_pred).

        eapply prefix_in_list in HIn as Hpre1. destruct Hpre1 as [l1 Hpre1].
        eapply prefix_in_list in HIn' as Hpre2. destruct Hpre2 as [l2 Hpre2].

        eapply prefix_trace in Hpre1 as Htr1 ; [|destruct t1; eauto].

        eapply prefix_trace in Hpre2 as Htr2; [|destruct t2;eauto].
        specialize (HCuni t1 t2 Hts1 Hts2).
        cut (q' = q); intros; subst.
        * cut (j' = j); intros; subst.
          -- eapply (@local_uni_corr (uni q) q j p i r r' s s'); try eassumption.
             ** unfold uni_state_concr. intros.
                unfold uni_concr in HCuni .
                eapply (HCuni x0 q j); eassumption.
             ** eapply join_andb_true_iff in Hpred; try eassumption.
          -- eapply uni_same_tag;eauto.
             1,2: econstructor;eauto;eauto.
             reduce_uni_concr HCuni Hpre1 Hpre2.
        * eapply uni_same_lab ; eauto.
          1,2: econstructor;eauto;eauto.
          reduce_uni_concr HCuni Hpre1 Hpre2.
      (* The unch case *)
      + rename Hunch into H.
        eapply join_orb_true_iff in H.
        destruct H as [u H].
        destruct H as [Hunch [[Hneq' Huni] Hunibr]].
        decide (u = p);cbn in Hneq';[congruence|clear Hneq'].
        copy Hunch Huncht.
        eapply Hunch_postfix in Huncht.
        specialize (HCunch p i s u x HIn Huncht).
        specialize (HCunch' p i s' u x HIn' Huncht).
        destruct HCunch as [j [r [Hprec Heq]]]; try eassumption.
        destruct HCunch' as [j' [r' [Hprec' Heq']]]; try eassumption.
        rewrite <- Heq. rewrite <- Heq'.
        cut (j = j'); intros.
        * subst j'. eapply HCuni. eapply Hts1. eapply Hts2. 3: eauto.
          all: eapply precedes_step_inv.
          -- setoid_rewrite Hteq1 in Hprec. apply Hprec.
          -- rewrite <-Hteq1. destruct t; eauto.
          -- cbn. eauto.
          -- setoid_rewrite Hteq2 in Hprec'. apply Hprec'.
          -- rewrite <-Hteq2. destruct t'; eauto.
          -- cbn;eauto.
        * clear Huncht.
          unfold Precedes' in Hprec,Hprec'. destructH' Hprec. destructH' Hprec'.
          eapply prefix_trace in Hprec0 as Htr1 ; [|destruct t; eauto].
          eapply prefix_trace in Hprec'0 as Htr2; [|destruct t';eauto].
          rewrite Hteq1 in Hprec0. cbn in Hprec0.
          eapply prefix_cons_cons in Hprec0.
          rewrite Hteq2 in Hprec'0. cbn in Hprec'0.
          eapply prefix_cons_cons in Hprec'0.
          eapply unch_same_tag with (l1:=l').
          1-3,6-8: eauto.
          -- specialize (HCuni t1 t2 Hts1 Hts2).
             reduce_uni_concr HCuni Hprec0 Hprec'0.
          -- inversion Hprec1;subst;eauto;congruence.
          -- inversion Hprec'1;subst;eauto;congruence.
          -- intuition.

End uniana.